Atheists, how do you explain bible prophecies that are happening today?


New member
May 16, 2008
Like the war in Iraq or the earthquake in Haiti and Chile? The earthquake in Chile was the biggest earthquake ever recorded.
I like how you didnt quote any of these "prophecies".

I bet they same something along the lines of " In the future one country will invade another!"

Give me a break.
Specifically where does it predict an earthquake in Hati in 2010?

Actually the biggest was in Chile, but it was in 1960 and it was 9.5. Looked it up about a week ago. There are 19.4 over 8 on the average every year. It's not even a particularly active year at this point.
The earthquake in Chile was not the biggest ever recorded. Far from it. The one that destroyed SAN FRANCISCO in 1901 was bigger.

Okay, where in the bible does it say HAITI and CHILE will face Earthquakes. I didn;t see that in there.
ur really bad about siting urself.

u know no one will take u seriously unless u link/site ur theories?
Show me the bible verses that said a war in Iraq would happen right when it did and that the earthquake in Haiti would happen at the beginning of 2010.
Wow. We've never had a war before.
Wow. We've never had earthquakes before.
Wow. We've never had famine before...

I'll let you finish the list. That should get you your daily minimum requirement for irony.
Well I'm a Christian, here to tell you that your only half right, The book of Revelation predicts massive earthquakes, which are happening, but the quake in Chile was not the biggest one recorded. It was the biggest on recorded IN CHILE.

I don't mean to point out your flaws, but the atheists are going to peck at it till it bleeds =/
not the largest get your info right if your going to make stupid comments and no "prophecies" have come true leaving very random general information to be incorrectly interpreted by people like you is all it is
lol , have you always noticed that there are 3 guys or girls ( atheist ) that always answer question on this section of yahoo answers?

heres the list for you :

1. Arizona Knight Wolf

-A really, really,REALLY obese guy ( which made me puke a few times )

2. S

-A tipical '' gringo '' using a braw or is it like a hillbilly costume


-Alien ( lol )

(their life: )

-got from work ( if they even work ) , mmm now what do i do

-I know !!!!

-( tiping )

-You never let me down Yahoo Answers

Atheists, if we have spurts of earthquakes, each a little worse than the previous spurt. If this comes true over the next few years, will you consider becoming a Christian?
They are not bible prophesies..

Earthquakes are naturally occurring, now if they STOPPED, THAT would be a miracle.

Man has been at war forever, again, if they stopped, it would be a miracle...

@Sean: Isreal was created as a self fulfilling prophesy... It was becaus ethe Bible said it was, not the other way around... and was wrong to do so...
You are truly frightened by a religious leader. Don't be gullible. I DARE you to read this! It discusses how often religious people use bible prophecies to keep their gullible followers in church (=more $$$). Sucker!