Atheists, how do you explain bible prophecies that are happening today?

No, it was not. I would also like to see where Iraq is mentioned in the Bible, as well as where it says the USA will invade Iraq to overthrow the dictator there after originally invading Afghanistan.
I am going to prophecize right now, in this very moment, that there will be a tornado that will sweep many who come in its path. If that prophecy comes true, you better follow my words.

Also, I can write about Hurricane Katrina, and prophecize it, so that a 1000 years from now, people will actually think that I prophecized it before it actually occurred. My book can be the new Bible.

Seriously, why to do feel the need to defend such a religion with childish logic? How about all the prophecies which failed in the Book of Daniel? Instead people use these prophecies whenever something remotely similar happens. A real prophecy is when it has details, and accurately shows precognition. Care to read up on this? I thought so.
The Bible predicted that Israel would become a nation.... how do atheists explain that?
Self fulfilling.
Nostradamus effect.

I'm not sure that the Chilean earthquake was the largest ever recorded. The bible doesn't have much on specifics about disasters. End time disasters are very borad and general, and can be applied to different generations not just ours.
Ah Yes - Find the Page that Predicts Tectonic Plates will Shift over time

Real Miss Cleo that Bible is...................
the big, wait that is disproven, ...
evolution from common anscestor, no wait, that is disproven,....
chaos theory, no wait, that is crazy and no believes that anymore,...
intelligent design, no wait...that suggests God exists...
intelligent design from aliens planting us here....
AHHHHH *lights a smoke*
Haha, no it wasn't.

Name one specific prophecy that has been fulfilled. Note the word "specific", meaning detailed and not self-fulfilling.
The earthquake was not the largest ever recorded. It was the largest recorded since 1900, but the biggest earthquake ever known to have happened occurred -ironically- in Chile in 1960. It was a 9.5 on the Richter scale.

As for prophecies, anyone can make them. I forsee....that you are visit the internet on a regular probably have brown eyes, as it is the most common, genetically...