Would i be able to afford a harley 883 sportster?


May 21, 2008
Im really wanting to get one. ima be getting a temp job till next fall as a library aid at a elementary school making 250 a week, per month im guess its around 850-900. im 19, do you think i could afford this? What other motorcycles (cruiser only) would you recommend for this or a cheaper price range?
Also just a note its my first bike other than the buell 500 we practiced on when getting our MSF licence thing. im 6feet tall
If you are able to buy it right out, go ahead. But if you want to get a loan/lease then think about it. A good way to tell if you can afford it is if the payment is under 5% of what you take home. Not much to work with, but it leaves you a lot of room for the economy issues going on right now. You don't want to be stuck with a bike loan and no job. Good Luck.
I'd look at Honda's to be honest. They keep their value a bit more plus you can get something nice. My Dad has a VTX1300 and people think it's a Harley all the time. My brother who is 19 rides a Honda CBR600RR and he loves it, although that is a sports bike which you are not looking for. Check out the Honda's, they keep their value usually and are nice rides, virtually maintenance free too outside the normal stuff like tires and oil.