Your dream job...?!

I would love to be an assassin. To have the skills has one. the planning, the power, the acting, everything. of course since thats not bound to happen, and knowing me i'd only want to kill bad guys, which kinda hurts the buisness lol.

so i'd have to settle for my job that i have right now. I'm a pub wench in a renissence festival. i ge to serve beers and such, plus do some acting. tis great
ive got a bs in game design and development from FS in florida, after i finish up my training ill be working on a double major in Psychology and History, and also work on crim. justice, french and russian
A Ranger...
The LOTR kind not the real world kind.
I have an Uncle who owns his own hot dog stand...thats pretty cool
Sweet. how hard was it to get into FS, thats where i want to go. i mean what did you do in highschool. GPA/sports/extra-cirricular. if you don't mind my asking, i want a Bachelors in Game Design and FS is my dream school
I came pretty close to having my dream job which was playing the guitar professionally in a band. Unfortunately I bowed to pressure and got myself 'a proper job'. Dang.
By pigeons do you mean ugly women? Like the song- 'No pigeons'?

Dream job? Umm... As porn star has already been taken ... fluffer for women on lesbian porn movies ... lol
Rock star. No doubt about it. Guitarist in successful rock band. I'd be rubbish at the whole rock-and-roll lifestyle thing as I'm pretty clean-living, but the actual guitaring bit I'd love.
well, last mini-hijack of the thread, FS is ridiculously easy to get into, as long as you can come up with the cash, I'd say the teaching is pretty good, but at other times it's horrendous (There's a nice one in Arizona I liked the look of, but I already had my loans and stuff lined up)
Condom tester.

In all seriousness, I want to be an illustrator, which is what I'm currently training to be.
Whoa! If money weren't the issue eh? Hmmmm, golf pro, scuba gear tester, martial arts tournament organizer....can think of a few others....
I had a stint as a rock star. We absolutely sucked in the playing music department, but we were pro's at the lifestyle part. Our music was abysmal but we could get the crowd going by just shouting at them a lot and doing stupid stuff. Our drummer split his head open headbutting his symbols and sprayed us all with blood. Aaaah, happy days. I don't think we ever played sober.