Your dream job...?!

I think if i could have any job in the world it would be to be either of the following:

*actress - just think of the gorgeous guys you may get to work with
* work for MI6- kinda like 007, license to kill, bed all the hot guys...haha now you're talking

Not that what i am training for at the moment doesnt thrill training to be an illustrator...lots of drawing...painting, model making training to be a blue peter presenter haha
Dream job:

Character Animator (tradition/digital) / 3D Modeller / Concept Artists / Storyboard Artist / illustrator in the film/tv/commercial industery. Currently studying this so it aint gonna be a dream for long

Wouldn't mind writing some films or a cartoon serise (Happy Tree Friends is genius - so jealous). And working for MI5/MI6 would be bloddy cool.
i would love to be a fight choreographer, so entertaining and creative, beautiful.
or work wirh videogames {the Final Fantasy games would be great}
i guess my absolute dream job would be doing the Fight choreography for fighting games {Tekken would be nice}
Evil brutal overlord of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With YODA as my personal servant, so I can shift all of my failures onto him.
here you go infrazael, everything you need to know to be an effective evil overlord

All I ask in return for my sage advice is a trusted (and well paying) position at your side once you have conquered the globe and all it's inhabitants.
S.W.A.T. (ERT for you politically correct people) tactical sniper (or anything involving being a sharpshooter) I used to think I would love being in the game industry, and rapidly learned otherwise as i slogged through my degree in it. Soon I'll be off to see if I actually qualify as a sharpshooter, wish me luck! (September, Ft. Leanard Wood)
leanard wood is well, ugly and boring to say the least, be thankful you are going there for training and not to live there!!!! what degree did you have in mind for a gaming career?
Realistic... well, writer for Entertainment Weekly, I am a total pop culture nerd.

Dream... Kinda like the idea of being a pro stuntman
.."Autosport" or "F1 Racing" Magazine, writing about motorsports and/or Formula 1. In fact, its been my ambition to join them for ages and I've tried lots and lots of times-through competitions, writing the web site editor, etc.-but so far haven't had the luck.
