Yoga = Devil


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Oh and Harry Potter.......

hahaha! I worship the devil 3-4 times a week, it makes my back injury feel so good. Seriously though, everyone knows being bad feels better..
also, he speaks about the "false belief" of rencarnation, but the prophesized second coming of christ is nothing if not reincarnation. unless jesus is considered to be a 2000 year old mummy
To be fair to him... my ex was a Yoga instructor and she was a Hellish Demon!

While Mrs Shroom doesnt like Yoga and doesnt understand Potter and is quite Angelic

(note - Mrs Shroom is standing next to me)

wow. religion is a dangerous, dangerous thing. have been teaching yoga for a long time and never encountered anything that might considered religion, or even spirituality. it is good exercise, but nothing more.

Ahhh but that's just what satan wants you to reality he owns a piece of your soul every time you do a "downward dog"
I went to one Yoga class with my ex... right in front of me was a young lady who I remembered looked a lot like that British girl Pippa (something or another who's sister married the prince). When the advanced group did the 'downward dog' I about fell over from the distraction. I will have to say I wasn't thinking of reincarnation or hinduism whilst observing her......uh, flexibility (lets go with that) but I did have some very un-christian thoughts......

For some reason my wife wouldn't let me go to class with her after that.....
WIll homosexuality send you to Hell? What if a homosexual reads HP to you whilst ding Yoga?

I thought Stephen Fry read it quite well.
Put's the hell into whole different perspective...


no one can send you to hell. hell has very strict immigration policy. you must be sponsored by a resident for entry.

requirements for sponsorship:

letter of recommendation from a permanent resident detailing why you would make a good addition to their community

copies of identity documents (birth certificate, drivers license).

declaration of intent to do evil. this is a standard from that can be downloaded from the official website or picked up from any embassy or consulate. attached should be a letter describing the type of evil to be performed while in hell.

proof of flaofftopicbility. everyone visiting or seeking residence in hell MUST be flaofftopicble. NO EXCEPTIONS.

embassies can be found in las vegas and bangkok.

consulates can be found in every major city worldwide.
