Yamaha FC4 pedal on Casio Keyboard? Help plz!!!!!!?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I have a Casio px-310 piano keyboard and the amazingly chintzy pedal that came with it broke. I bought a Yamaha FC4 pedal (a bit of an upgrade) from walmart, but it didn't work right on my keyboard (it sustained while it was released and did nothing when pressed down - the opposite of what it should do). I assumed it was just a messed up factory goof so I exchanged it for a new one. The new one did the same thing. So, I guess the Yamaha FC4 pedal doesn't work on a Casio px-310, but does that mean NONE of the Yamaha's will? Do I have to use the cheap casio pedal that will probably break 3 weeks after purchase?
Any help would be GREATLY appriciated.
Thanks in advance.
One thing to try is turn the keyboard off with the pedal connected and then turn it back on. Sometimes that fixes the sustain problem. If not you may have to get another pedal. Get one that works with any type of keyboard - it will have a "polarity switch" on it that corrects the sustain problem:

