Help my keyboard is not typing right!?


May 19, 2008
Right now I am using my on-screen keyboard, I have a hp laptop and it was working just fine about 40 mins ago! But this is my sisters laptop and she will think I did something (which I didn't) and she will kill me because I was the last to touch it! I don't know what to do, I will type all of this so you can see how bad it is. KI havde a h;p la;ptlo;p and kit swas swlofrkking just fkinde ablojut 40 mkins aglo! Bjut this kis my skistders lap;tlop and shde swkill thkink KI dkid solmething (which I dkidn't) and shde swkill kkill mde bdecajuse I was thde last tlo tlouch it! I don't knlow what to dlo! Ok back to on-screen keyboard! It seems like it's only half of the keys that are affected, please help me somehow!