Would you be annoyed at your hubby if he joked wit younger woman that if


May 14, 2008
he didnt have kids he would marry her? He often jokes to her that they are alike and jokes that if he didnt have kids etc, they wouldve been married. He says it jokingly so is there no harm in him flirting with her?
I think she is quite younger and I know he would never cheat but is he possibly a bit attracted to her? or just harmless fun?
Ummm i would be having a serious talk with him. That doesnt sound funny at all to me.
It is only nature for it to bother you with all honesty it would bother me too. It could be harmless, he's just joking right? But if it really does bother you, you should let him know.
There can be harmless flirting but I can see how you can find what he said to be hurtful. You told us you trust him so tell him that but set some groundrules for him. If he cant respect that then you guys will probably have to have a long conversation.
Sorry, I'm assuming you are married. I'm a husband and I thought I would say that I would never even flirt with another woman. When I talk to a woman of the opposite gender, it's always in the back of my mind to not have anything look or be inappropriate. I have too much respect for my wife than to cross any inappropriate bounds with the opposite gender. If I said what your husband said, my wife would be a lot more than annoyed with me and I'd deserve it. I hope a guys perspective helped. Good luck.
Jade you are an awesome person I am sure, and need to understand that there is a certain way that you should be treated and that is the kind of way you treat your hubby. I think that it is totally disrespectful of him to say this to her, and he does not do so jokingly and I would be very offended by it.