
  1. B

    how come he blushed when this guy joked that i did something because of...

    ...him (guy who blushed)? the guy joked that i changed my major to chemistry because so-and-som is a chemistry major and he turned red and started laughing and looked down? he sad something about being humble too?
  2. A

    A guy friend joked about us having sex, I'm not sure if it was a joke...

    ...though... help!? Hi, I'm probably reading way too much into this but I just need some feedback because I see him all the time! Basically we were in a media lesson at college, (were both 18 by the way) and got put into partners based on which celebrity we pulled out of a box (I know how...
  3. J

    My boyfriend is constantly joked about since he (white) is dating me(black) so

    what are some whitty remarks? Please b really funny with the whitty remarks we cn say
  4. J

    Would you be annoyed at your hubby if he joked wit younger woman that if

    he didnt have kids he would marry her? He often jokes to her that they are alike and jokes that if he didnt have kids etc, they wouldve been married. He says it jokingly so is there no harm in him flirting with her? I think she is quite younger and I know he would never cheat but is he possibly...
  5. L

    He joked about marrying me?

    we were randomly talking about kids and how he sees himself in a marriage one day,because I know thats one of his big wishes and I cant remember all the things that were said but when I had to leave I was grabbing my purse and he went '' nah,its you Ill marry'' and had a grin on his face. I just...
  6. V

    JOKED today on my birthday!!?

    One day, a cowboy rode into a Wild, Wild West town. The people in the town love to play jokes on visitors. After tying his horse to the pole outside a bar, the cowboy went in. A cup of milk please. he said to the bartender. After drinking, he went out, only to find his horse missing. Knowing...
  7. L

    How do I FIX this, I joked but now he's MAD...?

    There was a guy who worked at my workplace for 2 months. His gf worked on the next floor. Today was his last day. Since his first day he would always try to talk to me, but I was reserved. He would ignore all the other girls but only talk to me. Eventually he found out I’m Russian & he knows...
  8. S

    Why did he act like this when I joked around?

    I like this guy and I'm not sure if he likes me. we don't talk much though. the only sign I see is him staring at me when I'm not looking and paying attention when I talk to my friend. I had an empty pack of gum, so I tried to joke with him and I gave him an empty pack of gum when he was at his...
  9. B

    Ladies, have you ever joked with your bf that you were pregnant...what if

    he didint take it too well? I am reposting cause i want more opinions... My former gf joked with me about being this point we had been having trouble for the past 3 months.growing very distant and have not had sex for about two months. .. we had a huge fight about her asking me...
  10. S

    Wouldn't you be offended if somebody joked about you being a terrorist just for

    being different? A friend of my mom's jokingly told her that I could be one of those kids building a bomb in my room and she'd never realize it. Light, WTF? O_o
  11. T

    Have you ever joked or teased and BEEN taken seriously by the person you were...

    ...teasing or joking with? I have. A friend of mine took a cookie from my plate, and of course, I didn't mind. But I teased him later and asked him to get me some punch since he took my cookie. Of course, I AM kidding, but he stalks off, mad, and brings back a MOUNTAINLOAD of [insert f-word...
  12. T

    Black comedian that joked on African father.?

    A while ago i saw a black comedian that joked about his very African father. All I can remember about the skit is that the dad use to sit in the dark when the comedian came home. One red eye from his smoke and the other from the v.c.r. Anyone know what im talking about?
  13. T

    Russell Peters joked about going to Italy and people thinking he was

    Italian, but Russell Peters is Indian? Then he said the people got shocked when he told them he was Indian, they said "Indiano!? Indiano?!". I was wondering, is it possible for Indian (India) person to be mistaken for Italian?
  14. M

    My boyfriend joked about cutting and I used to is that a deal breaker?

    I have been dating this guy for a very short period of time, but we went on our first official date and spent the whole day together outside of work. However he made a joke about cutting. He was putting the back of his hair up in black bands and then I'd take them off and so I had quite a few on...
  15. D

    "Harriet Harman once joked that if she became prime minister...?

    "Harriet Harman once joked that if she became prime minister "there wouldn't be enough airports for all the men who would want to flee the country" Two questions: 1/ Does this quote prove that feminists have a sense of humour? 2/ What would...
  16. T

    POLL: Why does God always get joked on, but never the devil?

    "Murder murder Mr. Lucifer! Pictures of the devil DUCK when he shoot at cha, it's all political!" Tupac Shakur- "My Closest Roaddoggz"
  17. T

    POLL: Why does God always get joked on, but never the devil?

    "Murder murder Mr. Lucifer! Pictures of the devil DUCK when he shoot at cha, it's all political!" Tupac Shakur- "My Closest Roaddoggz"