Would Jehovah's Witnesses like to understand the true 2520 year prophecy?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Behold, here is the unravelling of prophecy.
Notice how this does not require you to assert a date (607 BC) which is at odds with all historical, astronomical and Biblical records in order for the argument to work.
Note how this specifies an exact date, not an airy fairy somewhere around here type deal.
Pay attention to how the fulfillment is literal, physical and world changing.
See how this teaching is absolutely true and will never need "new light", like when invisible 1874 Watchtower Jesus was updated to invisible 1914 Jesus.
Feel that there is no "ear tickling" (ie, you are "spiritual israel" now)

There is not space here to post it all. Here is one that has been done for us -

It is not an "apostate" site, as you use the term, nor is it my own site.

Here are some second witnesses -
Jehovahs Witnesses false 1914

ABC on Jehovah's Witnesses-They say Jesus had his 'return' aka second coming October 1914.
(No matter how the JW try to spin 1914 that is was 'invisible' etc it's still a lie that comes from William Miller and occult pyramidology)
This is a false apostate teaching,so it's the Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower organization who are the apostate Christians.-Danny Haszard FMI dannyhaszard(dot)com