Jehovah's Witnesses, if you are the ONLY true religion then why doesn't the


Jun 24, 2008
Watchtower follow Jesus' command? The Good Samaritan in Luke helped a Jew - he had compassion for him, he treated his wounds, he carried him to safety, he paid for his lodging and care. The Samaritan and Jews were of different religions. Also, in James the Bible says true religion is to help the widows and orphans in their affliction. Of all Christian religions in the entire world, the Watchtower is the ONLY ONE who doesn't have even one orphanage, one feeding program, one 3rd world hospital, one drug rehab, one free clothing center, a ministry to drill wells for those without water, or any kind of humanitarian ministry! How can they be the ONLY true religion when Jesus said, "Go and do likewise" as the Good Samaritan did. My religion does all of the above?? Jesus said, You will know them by their fruits! If I am wrong then please give statistics on what they do and where the places of ministry are. Isn't it true they spend all their money printing books? But faith without works is dead. There are starving children dying every day and no JW feeding program anywhere???
I lived through Katrina in New Orleans, and I know some of the JW members helped gut houses, but homeowners were asked to sign papers so the Watchtower could receive the insurance reimbursement, if they got one. I can prove this. However the members do charitable work in certain disasters, but NOT the Watchtower Org, which receives billions . With its' billions, couldn't they found one orphanage in Africa or India?? The members cannot go to Africa and feed the starving without the Watchtower's backing and financial help.
Steve, there are several times that we have gone door to door, but not regularly because the Holy Spirit leads each person as to what their ministry gift is. God is leading me to help a little bi-racial boy whose mother is a drug addict and she's in jail. I've had this boy for 3 years now. Plus God is leading me to visit old people in Nursing Homes and read the Bible to them. My father recently died and I was busy taking care of him and giving my spare time to him, as God spoke to my heart to care for him in that way. We should all be led by the Holy Spirit, not by a man-made organization.