will samsung BD-F5900 blue ray work with lg cinema 3d tv?


Active member
May 11, 2008
i want to buy samsung BD-F5900 3d wifi blue ray player . in it's description it says

"Combine with a 3D TV and 3D active
shutter glasses to view the latest Hollywood 3D titles. 3D
TV, Active glasses and content required."

and lg uses passive cinema 3d so glasses don't have shutters .

would 3d playback still work?

i really need to know because i live in another country and can not afford to buy device that doesn't work with lg

also if this player and lg don't fit what is the lowest price 3d blue ray wifi player that works with lg ? plz advice

blue ray player on amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BFDHVAS/ref=s9_dcbhrz_bw_d0_g23_ir01_bs