Why is the choice to accept Christ not sufficient free will to remove the sin

Jul 29, 2008
nature of Christians completely? Since one choice to reject him is sufficient free will to justify an eternity of hell, according to many Christians?
@threeinone: how can they have a new heart if they are still sinning? And if they can accept Christ while still sinning, why would "a new heart" even be necessary?
Hell is not eternal. Death is DEATH for the unsaved.

And the choice to accept Christ does not save either. That would be a work, and salvation is not by works.

God has to give a person a new heart, only then can they believe. And if one has received a new spiritual heart, then they can trust that they will receive a new body as well, and that will be the end of sin for them. For right now, the saved are still in their sinful bodies, and that is a great burden to the spirit, for they are contrary to each other.

To sum it up, the choices a man makes can not save him; neither can his free will bring his complete salvation. There is no eternal hell, but all of man is spiritually dead. Death is his destination as it is. That is the fate of every man. So, really, man's rejecting Christ is not the sole reason for why death is upon him. Although, that may be the reason they do not become saved.

There are many false teachings (teachers) in the churches of the world. Cry out to God, pray for understanding, and cling to the simple salvation that is in Christ.

*** ADDED *** First, A new heart is a gift from God to a sinful man. A person who is given this type of spiritually new heart will become repulsed by their own sinfulness. Although they may still sin (because they are still in the sinful flesh), their sins become an enormously heavy burden upon them. Just like David, a true believer will cry out to the LORD in utter humility, begging to be saved from his enemies (Satan/sin). Secondly, a person CANNOT accept Christ without a new heart. (God's work comes first, not man's). A new heart is necessary in order to accept/believe in Jesus Christ at all. The heart of man is wicked and deceitful, how could he (of his own power) believe unto salvation? Of course, the GIFT is from God, and the GIFT is eternal Life; and yes, thankfully, this gift is given to sinners. If it wasn't given to sinners there would be no one to give it to (all are sinners). That is God's good pleasure -- and a mystery to us -- that He would give His life and show His love for a nation at war against Him. Praise to the God of our salvation.
Citizen of the Cosmos, you are trying to reach way too far in your ID and in your understanding. By just one sin can man be lost to a relationship with God, by one act he can regain the ancient relationship with God--Salvation. However, Salvation covers so much more than the forgiving of that one sin or all your sins. It includes an everlasting life with God where there will be no sin, God will come via his Holy Spirit and indwell your heart(the Hebrew refers to the inward man as the heart) this includes a teacher, a guide, a comforter and so much more. You become a new creature, a spiritual creature that is no longer of this world, but in this world. As you grow more like Jesus you will be used by God to assist in task he desires while on earth. Sure, as a flesh person you will still sin, but each time it hurts you, you will strive for greater perfection as God see perfection. That is part of the actions of the Holy Spirit in your life, but you have to study to show thyself approved.
Now about that one sin: it is important to understand what that one sin is and why it can condemn you to hell. The sin is your rejection of Jesus as the begotten son of God, God becoming flesh so you can have a path back to him from the curse of the original sin. That sin cost mankind his immortality and his fellowship with God the Creator. Without Jesus, there is no other path, so if you reject him, YOU have to pay the price of your sin which is death, eternal death without God. Your choice, try to understand all at once or accept Jesus and learn as you are given the light. That is how all Christians have to progress. Jesus is the light, the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by him. Make the right choice now that you know. It is all in the Bible
Salvation is by Grace; Ephesians 2:8-9;
The same God who has a horror of sin [Psalm 5:4] loves sinners in spite of his sin, with an active desire to reclaim him [ Luke 7:47; Romans 5:20]

Sin in the life of a believer:
It is a reality: [ 1 John 2:1-6; 1 John 1:8-9]
It can be overcome: [ Romans 6:11-14 ]
Christians are still human, they still have flaws, but they ask for forgiveness and try to do their best. God understands why people sin, and that's why he lets us go to heaven.
The acceptance of christ is only the first step, the second step is that he will forgive you in times when you slip into sinning, Jesus died for us so that we can ask for forgiveness..
Those who are rejecting Christ are doing so freely, and no one is forcing them to do it. This does not mean that they have what is often refered to as "free-will".

The choice is God's to make, and in fact it has already been made.

And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?