
  1. S

    Can Christians listen to secular music with profanity that DOES NOT promote sin?

    Artists like Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Common, Lupe Fiasco and some others have lyrical songs that don't promote sin & are lyrical, but they contain profanity. Should I still listen to them? I do listen to Christians artists like Lecrae, Trip Lee, KB, etc too if anybody was going to recommend them to...
  2. T

    Christians we are not to judge so how do we correct sin?

    6 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks they are something when they...
  3. S

    Is drinking something with caffeine a sin?

    I'm Christian, and I have never ever drunk anything with alcohol. Drinking is mentioned all through out the Bible. Even Jesus used to drink. It seems that it is only wrong to get drunk. However, I'm afraid I might like alcohol too much if I ever try it, so I rather not trying it. A friend of...
  4. A

    why do christians say other religions can't explain the sin problem?

    how I see it, is christianity is the only religion that came up with the sin problem
  5. Is it a sin for a girl or a guy to study Homo Erectus?

    excellent we'll grow and show the glory of God and Jesus and BIBLE
  6. N

    What does Christianity, Islam or Judaism say about this? a sin or previllege?

    If an 18 year old boy leave his house, family, friends forever and go to another country and live and work by his own without informing his family?
  7. B

    Christians, what do you do when you are horny but don't want to sin?

    I mean, you can only suppress it for so long. Then you go psycho. And if masturbation is not an option, then what do you do? Can you pray away the horniness?
  8. S

    Do some Christians seriously believe that sex is sinful and was the original sin?

    If sex is sinful, then, why did God command Adam and Eve, Man and Woman, to go forth and multiply?
  9. U

    How is it humanities fault sin was introduced?

    god invented everything INCLUDING Satan. How exactly is humanity responsible for something god manufactures? Why should humanity waste its time worshiping a god that MANUFACTURES evil and then DEMANDS people pray to it? Isn't that racketeering? No competent leader would ever do this. god...
  10. G

    Is it a sin in the Catholic Religion?

    Is it a sin in the Catholic Religion for a Bride to wear a white gown on her wedding day when she is not a virgin?
  11. A

    Looks Like Sin Taxes Are Working: 1 In 5 Still Smoke, But They’re Smoking Less

    So this is interesting: While the percentage of Americans who smoke remained essentially unchanged between 2010 and 2011, the number of self-described "heavy smokers" has gone down quite a bit over the past six years. More »Looks Like Sin Taxes Are Working: 1 In 5 Still Smoke, But They’re...
  12. K

    Where does the Bible discuss pedophilia as a sexual sin?

    I can easily find verses concerning homosexual sex (death penalty), consensual sex between unmarried adults (death penalty), and others, but I cannot find any verses about pedophilia aside from one where if a man rapes a woman child who had yet to be pledged to be married he had to pay the...
  13. S

    Why is being gay a sin, but touching dead pig skin or wearing 2 woven fabrics is not

    in a fundamentalist eyes? In a Christian fundamentalists eyes, why do they seem to be so selective of what is wrong and what is right?
  14. S

    Is There An Unforgivable Sin In Either Judaism or Islam?

    if so? What are they?
  15. O

    Fellow Christians: Why is homosexuality a grave sin but we are allowed to eat pork?

    I'm confused with parts of the laws in the Leviticus. I am Catholic and eat pork and shell fish. WHy is that okay for Christians but not for Jews and Muslims? I understand that gays are living in sin and Jesus never changed that. But did Jesus change the dietary laws?
  16. L

    Christians, does disobedience or sin that adam did make genetic deflected children?

    If yes, how so?
  17. A

    Why does the blessedness of man have no sin imputed to punish or forgive in

    Psalms 32:2 and Romans 4:8? But the "blessed" in Psalms 32:1 (Romans 4:7) is a cover up that gets uncovered by Luke 12:2? So ww reconciliation in 2Corinthians 5:19 notes "that God" in "Christ" does not law impute sin, not even to them of them/us in Hebrews 1.
  18. L

    If the wages of sin is death why does a God of love make people pay twice by

    burning them forever ? For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.(Romans 6:23 niv)
  19. A

    Is it a sin to be religiously tolerant of other people?

    Im christian but I have alot of religious tolerance for other people. Some people arent and this is in all religions and even of those whom are not religious of others. I was just curious if it is wrong in gods eyes to be religiously tolerant of others.
  20. A

    Christians, How big of a sin is this?