Why is our government's policy of "wet foot/dry foot" greeted with hostility by...


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Why is our government's policy of "wet foot/dry foot" greeted with hostility by...

...Cuban and Haitian communties? I really need help on this question. All answers are welcome :)
The policy does not apply to Haitians who get here by boat. They are not allowed to stay, whereas Cubans are allowed to remain if they manage to set one foot on land. If they are caught at sea, they are also returned to Cuba. Of course, if did not have a trade embargo against Cuba and had not supported the dictator Papa Doc Duvalier in the '70s in Haiti and abduct the previous elected president, they may not be angry with us.
Do you mean the Cuban and Haitian communities in the US? They oppose the agreement that refugees should have to have made US soil (dry feet) in order to be allowed entrance and be considered for residency. If refugees are intercepted at sea (wet feet) there are sent back or to an agreed upon third country.