
  1. J

    Do gays/lesbians get less hostility than bisexuals do?

    I don't know about guys, but women really do hate bisexual men (im one of them lol) but what about guys? i know they are more hostile towards gays than lesbians, but does that include bisexuals?
  2. I

    Why is our government's policy of "wet foot/dry foot" greeted with hostility by...

    Why is our government's policy of "wet foot/dry foot" greeted with hostility by... ...Cuban and Haitian communties? I really need help on this question. All answers are welcome :)
  3. T

    You people is this the way you write history complaining about open hostility

    against religion? There is no open hostility against religion in America. It is the freest country in the world. Hostility against religion is illegal in America. Why don't you crybabies go read your bible.