why is harold camping changing the Bible to suit his prediction?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
what happens in Revelations is set in stone, it wil happen and harold camping is ignoring it in his failed and newest prediction were is the tribulation, that has not happened yet, he's ignoring a lot of scripture, it will be a physical judgment not a spiritual
Why do people persist in asking "Why did Harold Camping....."! Isn't it obvious?
Harold Camping is deceived, and he is trying to lead many people into hopelessness and loss of faith. It is sad to see.
Harold Camping should know better. No one knows when. I believe Camping tried to somehow compute mathematically when. This does not work either, for if you can compute when, then you know when, and as previously stated, no one knows when and he, being in the business, should know better.
people misinterpret the end times and revelations they think its literal when its really not its very spiritual its all a vision people think the three horsemen are going to come in the natural when the realty is its already happening the white horseman represents jesus and the other two the devil and death its already happening its spiritual warfare the truth is the 2nd comming will come soon we just dont know when and theres other things in end times and revelations that get misinterpreted but the point is that guy should get banned from preaching
Set in stone my @ss, revelations is an anonymous document included for who knows what reason in a book that is totally discredited from every point of view except one. It is a collection of folk tales, collected from various places by the Roman empire and set down with the purpose of bringing religious order to the Empire and tying the compliance to government edict to that religious order.