Why is Congress wasting Millions upon Millions of dollars challenging if...


New member
Apr 17, 2012
...Roger Clemens lied to the grand jury? Don't we have bigger issues to deal with? Like who lie and who knew about Fast and Furious that got machine guns in the hands of cartels that already killed a Border Agent and many civilians?
Just because the Dem's wanted to crucify this guy and the case was dismissed they now have more prosecutors$$$ on the case. What is the point? Is it just another distraction from what this administration is really up to?
Like hiring a whole other unit of people to look after another unit of EPA people to make sure NO drilling is going on?
Do you think this would happen to a great Basketball star?
They'll all sit in front of some camera and lie their fool heads off about who's wasting taxpayers money. When they themselves are just as bad. When you can lie and it be excepted. You get to feeling above the Law.
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Afterthought to change the news from the Obama economy to Clemens lies, I would rather they focus on Obama's lies.