
  1. S

    whats the deal in challenging the belief/nonbelief of some random anonymous...

    ...guy in the internet? that it became a daily habit for some sorry for the grammar
  2. M

    Why is Congress wasting Millions upon Millions of dollars challenging if...

    ...Roger Clemens lied to the grand jury? Don't we have bigger issues to deal with? Like who lie and who knew about Fast and Furious that got machine guns in the hands of cartels that already killed a Border Agent and many civilians? Just because the Dem's wanted to crucify this guy and the case...
  3. M

    What's a free game that's possibly addictive, maybe a bit challenging but

    easy to play, and fun? I need something to help me forget reality for a while o.o Preferably online/ on the computer
  4. T

    Challenging Stereotypes Of Age

    The workshops, entitled 'Act your Age! Challenging Stereotypes', form part of the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) Festival of Social Science 2011 and are organised by the University of Sheffield's New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) research programme. Sarah Howson and Charlotte Jones...
  5. J

    Roger McGough poem about a man challenging Death?

    Anyone heard of such a poem, and can quote it me or give me a link?
  6. N

    Very Challenging Music Question?

    ----------Romanian---------- Exist? un artist de sex feminin pe Numele ei este, de asemenea, titlul de unul din cântecele ei. Cred c? fie începe cu o d, e, sau o f. Muzica poate fi clasificat fie ca alternative sau gotic. Artistul este din România cred c?. în muzica video este un...
  7. M

    Why do Christians get angered when challenging their faith?

    Just an observational conclusion over the past few months...
  8. S

    What is the most challenging form of cooking, or cuisine to prepare?

    I want to become a chef... but i dont know which field i want to get into... i want to do something that would require discipline and perfection and skill. i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and...
  9. S

    What is the most challenging form of cooking, or cuisine to prepare?

    I want to become a chef... but i dont know which field i want to get into... i want to do something that would require discipline and perfection and skill. i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and...
  10. A

    VERY CHALLENGING RIDDLE!!!! If you can solve it, consider yourself a

    complete genius. I have solved half but..? "In the world's best ever national bestseller there was a man. that man was once second in command but became the first. If he liked the ornament in the Pallazo Vecchio, in the capital of the boot, you would say to another about him, using a shorter...
  11. T

    European Court Of Human Rights To Issue Judgment In Case Challenging Ireland's Restri

    The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) has welcomed the announcement that the European Court of Human Rights will issue a judgment in the case of ABC v Ireland next week. The case was taken by three women living in Ireland who were forced to travel to the UK to access safe abortion...
  12. A

    Would anyone be interested in a challenging math problem?

    does that say 1/(a+2) to the 2(a-3) power?
  13. R

    (christians) Quite possibly the most challenging question you can answer...

    ...- will you give it a go? The wages of sin is death, but it cant only apply to humans if god cant even escape those wages. Even if god did it for us, SOMEONE still had to die. otherwise it would have been much simpler,swifter, and more peaceful for god to have forgave us, wiped the slate...
  14. R

    (christians) Quite possibly the most challenging question you can answer...

    ...- will you give it a go? The wages of sin is death, but it cant only apply to humans if god cant even escape those wages. Even if god did it for us, SOMEONE still had to die. otherwise it would have been much simpler,swifter, and more peaceful for god to have forgave us, wiped the slate...
  15. A

    how to do these challenging yet interesting stoichiometry problems?

    There's four parts to with great explanation gets points =D You are given three unknown hydrocarbon compounds (unknowns A, B, and C), each containinbg onlty carbon and hydrogen. Using the data below, answer the questions that will eventually allow you to determine the identites of...
  16. T

    Today's Opinions: Challenging Health Law Critics' Words; The Case For Calif. Health E

    Health Insurers Finally Get Some Oversight The Wall Street Journal If critics really want to go back to the days when insurance companies ran wild with no accountability, they should have the courage to say so openly instead of hiding behind distracting attacks. In the meantime, we're going to...
  17. L

    A challenging What Am I riddle?

    Stick thin, I can swim like a Navy SEAL but not like a shark. Uninterested in the opposite sex And literally left-handed. I'm as smart as a whip And as blind as a bat PS: I have no idea what is the answer but i really wanna know! this question is origionally asked by...
  18. Z

    Here's a challenging brainteaser for you.?

    Mankind has some of his own hard questions. Here is one them...:
  19. D

    Are there any fitness related jobs that are challenging and pay well?

    I love working out and I find the science behind how the body reacts to exercise really interesting. I would like to find a major and a career later on that would put me in this field. I have thought about sports medicine or something, but I am not too good with blood and needles. I also don't...
  20. M

    What are some interesting and challenging ideas for science fair?

    I'm trying to figure out a science fair project...I don't need to know for awhile, but I should probably get started. I've already figured out m category of interest-behavioral and social. I was think something with testing color blind people and people who aren't color blind and seeing how...