why does smoking cigarettes give me headaches and dizziness but pot doesn't?


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I've been smoking pot for over 2 years now but only smoke it maybe 5 times a week. Sometimes I try to smoke a cigarette to see if I can stop my habit since I heard smoking pot is worse. Why does smoking cigarettes cause me to have crazy headaches and dizziness?? But smoking pot makes me feel good, Which one is worse??
Cigarettes are scientifically shown to have more side effects while marijuana shows promising side effects but none have been completely connected with marijuana.

The reason your feeling dizzy is because Tobacco will give people that "buzz" effect and if exposed to large quantities it can really give you discomfort. As for using cigarettes to quell your marijuana addiction, don't do that unless you are already an avid/addicted cigarette smoker (don't become one). It doesn't sound like you are a cigarette smoker so I wouldn't continue to try to become one. I'm not going to say marijuana is bad for you but it definitively isn't good for you if your smoking it 5 times a week.