Why Does Religion Have The Fantastical Complex Belief of Death and the Afterlife?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
I would offer this view on the opposite of death. How were you created? How complex and fantastical was that?

Here is what happed most likely albeit hard to admit:

Your mom got drunk and your father got too excited, they had an accident, they decided to keep you and you were born

Isn't possible death and after-events are as simple and uninteresting as creation of life?
my mom may have gotten drunk, and my father too excited... i may have been accidental to them. but God knew i was not. nor does that negate the miracle that occurs in the womb... where life is transmitted, where two become one. life after death exists, because this life is marred. there are two layers of being...physical and ethereal. God who is spirit, formed man who is physical, and by giving mankind a soul, God gave us a life apart from what is seen. there is nothing fantastic about it. it is rock-ribbed rational. the mistake is thinking this world is more real than the other. i remind you, this creation is the product of unseen hands. the ethereal world is more everlasting and real than this one. you'll find that out the moment you die.
It is a human instinct to survive, even taken to the levels of trying to transcend death itself.

There's nothing fantastical about that.

All religions are based on the fear of death, hopelessness and nothingness.