why do women complain about Islam being "anti-women" yet the Bible has more


New member
May 2, 2011
anti women quotes? Meaning, the Christian Paul said some of the most "anti-women" things, and for centuries women went by them, and men made them.

So how is Islam anti-women when the Christian Paul said in his letter, I believe, 2 Timothy and a couple other places that women are to cover up and be shame faced, and they can't teach or usurp man's authority?
from what I've read, Paul said what he said the "Lord" told him, so Jesus did say that if we are to believe Paul since what he said "Jesus" supposently said.

"If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command."
The answer is they're BOTH anti-women. The Bible and the Koran have a lot of really terrible things in them, which is reflective of the times they were written in. They're also very similar, and so they've always been two competing religions. So it's natural for a Christian to say that Koran is worse, and for a Muslim to say that the Bible is worse. It's like two rival gangs fighting over the same turf, but they're both pretty crap when you look at it.
I would say neither is better than the other: they're equally bad and misogynistic. Doesn't mean you can't find a few things in there that are good, but again: these are religions based on ancient books written in times when women were property.