Why do Republicans whine for Obama's economic plan?


Aug 11, 2008
FDR was ranked #3 best president ever. He was the one who fixed the US from a colossal economic mess. If Obama is using the same tactics FDR used at that time in a very similar economic problem, why do you Republicans whine like the world is about to end? Sheep..

Give it time. You can't make things happen even in 4 months time. Things will peak..and then they'll go back up. Stop watching Fox News.....they twist everything and make it look like Obama's worse than Bush.
hows he killing America? explain me that you sheep.

stop listening to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Palin....those are all ignorants
8***L, its a long process. You need time even in stimulus packages. This isn't a barbie house collection we're talking about.
WWII pulled us out of the depression by provideing massive amounts of jobs and over seas social work. Not FDR's new deal. The new deal just gave the economy a temporary boost while FDR and Churchill discussed plans for the war.

So unless your planning on WWIII, this stimulus brought on by a DEMOCRAT CONGRESS will do nothing but give us a temporary sense of false hope.
Until perhaps now. FDR ranks as the worst President in our history..That's from my bias...a hell of a lot more legitimate than yours in my estimation
Another thoughtless question and rant full of misleading, false information and liberal "talking point" accusations.
Have you ever really looked at economic data from his presidency? The economy was stagnant under him until about December of 1941 when something drastic happened to the U.S.

But hey keep laboring under the delusion that you can spend your way to prosperity.
Why call it a stimulus plan when 90% of the money is not spent until 2010?

Why was Obama in such a hurry to pass the stimulus when the money is not spent this year - when we really need it?

Admit it - the money is not being spent this year - yet Obama calls it a stimulus plan?

Obama wants to stimulate the economy in 3 years or what?
FDR did use the same plan but it wasn't all done so fast he spread it out Obama is pushing everything to fast and that is causing more problems you need to stop watching all the liberal media it is not news it is all 1 sided twisted to make obama look perfect
1) Republicans do whine, after their insane spending, debt creation, and bailout packages

2) FDR expanded what Hoover was doing, which prolonged the depression. What may have lasted 2 or 3 years lasted 17 years. FDR having crops plowed over and cattle killed to keep food prices high while people starved is nothing to be commended - prices fall for a reason.

3) Government spending is not the same as civilian spending. Government can EARN no money like a civilian, it must STEAL every penny it has. If one cannot understand this, they will see nothing wrong with government theft and spending.

The truth is, it is theft and spending by government which created the current depression - distortions created in the market by government intervention.
Dear Bob,
I agree with you but I think you are talking to the wrong platform. You are absolutely correct. The stimulus is only 10% spent and it is not even supposed to peak until early 2010, it is being done in stages to watch the money and the impact.
Bush spend 1.5 trillion in a week with no oversight.
Intelligence vs simpleton
Democratic party Republican party
I agree with you but believe everyone has a right to express their own opinion and have their own say because I believe in freedom of speech, press and religion or non religion.
Your assistant

Great Question by the way, I respect it and you Bob.
FDR hindered the US recovery from the great depression just like Obama is hindering the recovery from today's economic recession.
Who ranked FDR 3? That's what's wrong with you dems, believe whatever you're told to. Worst unemployment in 30 years. That's the only ranking you need to know. Obama is destroying our country. We are broke and he wants more money. I don't listen to anyone. I see whats going on and think for myself. You should try it.