Why do people listening to Obamas rants at his Campaign Rallies look so confused?


New member
Sep 3, 2011
They are not smiling, they have blank expressions, they don't clap very much at all. And Obama's facial expressions look like he is about to burst into flames! Scary looking! Just look at how mean his eyes are!
What I see on those peoples faces listening to Obama is, Who is this man?
I saw people being enthusiastic. Your prism is fauty. 65% support Obama's jobs bill. I know you agree with Cain, the unemployed are to blame for the economic disaster.
Perhaps those people have finally awakened, and it took the experience of seeing him live in order for them to do so.
I am sure after your 5th beer it is hard to tell, but you were actually watching the Republican debate last night and the blank expressions came from every time Cain was speaking.
Perhaps you are reading too much into it. It typifies you really, short sighted, quick tempered, and bitter.