Why do people jump to conclusions on Herman Cain's sex deal?


Jun 16, 2008
I mean it's only three women and no payoffs a severance package, oh yea cannot talk about that. I mean come on give the man a break.as Aren't you innocent till proven guilty.
Just as I predicted, I knew the repubs would only let him get so far. Amazing. But in my personal opinion he's guilty. Story changes to much, he's arrogant enough to think he can beat this and he's old school they are always known to be skirt chasers. I really could care less if he was a skirt chaser as long as he could do the job. But he has proven he doesn't have the knowledge or the presence to be presidential. Give it up Herman.
yes in the real world you are that
but libbies are mega demagogues and this is like jet fuel for them
even if its totally made up
They All Pup peters of One World Order. Tea Party and American people have been used and misled by Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch-New World Order puppeteers. New peaceful movement on the horizon call Boycott join us.Number one our Enemy is media owned by Rupert Murdoch.Hi uses his Media Empire in War on Occupy Wall Street movement.We must stop watching and listened One Word Order media puppeteer like he.The moment we are going shut him down we are will be half way to our freedom.We must a pressure his financiers and sponsors without a sponsor they are finish.Brothers we are majority and only in our united movements we can save our country,freedom and bring back prosperity to our salves and our children’s future.We can stop redistribution of wealth from medal class to super reach and there anti-human Corporation. We can make changes in our society to save our great country,freedom and our future from One World Order invaders.My friends we don’t need any leadership-financiers we don’t have to bring guns to our protest like Tea/Beggars.We have the best Weapon name Boycott. Boycott will destroy greedy Evil Corporation.We can stop One World Order parasites take over our liefs.My Brothers start spreading news make phone calls send Emails.Boycott masts start with clothing down our accounts in big Wall Street Banks and open them in local small community banks and credit Unions. All Rupert Murdoch media empire:HULI.com,The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, American Idol,Fox,the Laos Angeles Lakers,New York Rangers,Laos Angeles’s Staples Center and New York’s Madison Square Garden. TV:Fox Broadcasting Company,Fox News Channel,Fox Kids Channel,Fox Business Network,Fox Classics,Fox Sports Net,FX, the National Geographic Channel,The Golf Channel,TV Guide Channel. Radio:Fox Sports Radio. Network.Books:Harper Collins, Magazines:TV Guide,The Weekly Standard,Maximum Golf,Barron's Magazine Newspapers:The New York Post,Wall Street Journal,The Times TV Guide,The Weekly Standard, Maximum Golf,Barron's Magazine.Newspapers:The New York Post,Wall Street Journal, Websites Fox sports.com,Hulu,Scout.com, The Daily.Film studios:20th Century Fox: Avatar, The Simpson's,Star Wars,X-Men,Die Hard,Night at the Museum,Fox Searchlight: Slum dog Millionaire Juno,127 Hours,Black Swan,Little Miss Sunshine. Sports:Laos Angeles Lakers,Colorado Rockies.TV Guide,The Weekly Standard, Maximum Golf,Barron's Magazine.Newspapers:The New York Post,Wall Street Journal.Websites: Hulu,Scout.com. Rehttp://dailycaller.com/2011/07/15/picking-on-fox-cnn-features-boycott-murdoch-twitter-account/#ixzz1cKBaLHCO
Koch Brothers products you should be avoiding: Any Georgia-Pacific Produces: Angel Soft, Quilted Northern,and Soft n Gentle toilet paper:Brawny paper towels;Dixie plates,bowls and napkins;Sparkle,Vanity Fair and Zee napkins: Georgia-Pacific building products.The list is quite extensive so I'll just refer you to Show Value's rundown of them. Koch Brothers companies: Vanity Fair, Dixie paper, Brawny. You can boycott the Koch Brothers' products and not have your money going to support the Tea Party, more dirty polluting political shenanigans, attacks on workers’ rights to organize? Here's a quick list of the companies you should be avoiding. Anything That Georgia-Pacific Produces.First are Georgia-Pacific consumer products: Angel Soft, Quilted Northern, and Soft n Gentle toilet paper; Brawny paper towels; any of the Dixie plates, bowls and In vista's Fabrics, Fibers and Polymers.Third are a whole bunch of products under the In vista banner: Coolmax, Cordura, Solarmax, Supplex, and Thermo lite fabrics, as well as those containing Lycra; Comforel fiberfill; Dacron fibers; Somerelle bedding products; Stainmaster carpets and Tactesse carpet fiber. There are also a number of resins on the list. Invista's Fabrics, Fibers and Polymers napkins: Sparkle,Vanity Fair and Zee napkins:Georgia-Pacific's paper products. Second is Georgia-Pacific building products.
Herman Cain knew about these three women. It's a fact. He's just is running for free advertisement like Sarah Palin, and Donald Trump. Come on, you know how the game goes. Herman Cain knows how to run 400 restaurants. You think he doesn't know about three women who could ruin his political career as President of the United States. He's a fraud.
Are you too young to remember the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?

The question is why a completely vague and unsubstatiated story like this would even be reported.
I could see a reporter investigating this story, but it certainly did not merit reporting.

All we know is that some woman somewhere said Cain did something offensive in the 90's.
MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!! That's the whole problem, Cain is a threat to the candidates because he is actually a decent person who could do the job. I mean look at Sarah Palin. She couldn't run because media jumped on her for the dumbest of things just to bring her down. These people are threats to them.
Ummm... "ONLY 3 women?" How many women does a potential republican leader of the free world get to sexually harass these days? Just wondering...
Personally, I don't care. But his gradual "remembering" and his constant dodges suggests there is more there than he is letting on. Remember that Republicans are the ones who insist they are the moral ones and constantly attack Democrats as "immoral" and "having no standards" because Democrats prefer to let people have the freedom to live their own lives rather than forcing morality on them.

Well fine, be the moral ones. Here's your chance. Make Cain tell the truth or toss out his immoral butt (immoral either as a liar or as a harasser). Or you can adopt my attitude of letting people live their own lives just so long as they do their job and let them deal with God after the fact...but then you need to apologize to every single Democrat for holding them to standards higher than what you hold yourself and your candidates to...
Actually, there were payoffs and severance packages. Even Herman Cain admitted this.


Do you not pay any attention to the news?