
  1. L

    Was Mitt Romney really a better candidate than Herman Cain? Why wouldn't

    Republicans vote for Cain? He was charming, had a clear simple message, was a self-made man (unlike Mittens), and was obviously a great manager. What gives?
  2. H

    help with Herman Melville's Bell Tower?

    Can anyone tell me what this means, i don't understand where the homicide came in, i don't recall Bannadonna killing anyone, help please! The casting of such a mass was deemed no small triumph for the caster; one, too, in which the state might not scorn to share. The homicide was overlooked. By...
  3. K

    Do you think Herman Cain will win?

    Do you think he is able to beat Obama for the elections next year 2012
  4. T

    Will any further sexual assault allegations cause Herman Cain to drop

    out of his book tour? Or do you think he'll keep the book tour going until Romney gets the nomination?
  5. C

    Did you see Herman Cain's latest screw up. He told an FL crowd they were in OH! LOL?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJL-M3kcHk8 Ah, they all look the same to us racist Democrats. I know Duke. And Cains' eleven second pause preceded as a perfect answer is being touted as the end of his campaign. What a bunch of morons in the liberal press.
  6. R

    Can someone help me on topics for Herman Melville's works?

    For my American Lit. class we're studying Melville and we can either write about MD or about Melville's poems. I've decided to write about one (or all) of his poems but I have NO idea where to start. I've analyzed every single word in the poems "The March to Virginia," "Ball's Bluff," "The...
  7. S

    Is Herman Cain redefining Conservatism?

    When did conservatives start believing they could fix federal programs & departments? Is this new to conservative ideology? Can the GOP make govenment more efficient? Herman Cain does not want to limit the federal government, he wants to “fix” big government! Cain, like so many Republicans...
  8. M

    I will take a break from my usual post/rants and do what Herman "Big Daddy" Cain

    I will take a break from my usual post/rants and do what Herman "Big Daddy" Cain says "lighten up"? Who is the most attractive MALE and FEMALE politician in the USA (who could sexually harass you and get away with it).
  9. G

    Black Americans: Barack Obama vs. Herman Cain?

    I need input... I've been hearing a lot of non-Blacks discuss Herman Cain and a belief that Black people vote along color lines - they agree with Cain's speculation that he can pull 20-30% of the Black vote. I call BS. Colin Powell might steal some votes that would go to president Obama, but...
  10. R

    Why do people jump to conclusions on Herman Cain's sex deal?

    I mean it's only three women and no payoffs a severance package, oh yea cannot talk about that. I mean come on give the man a break.as Aren't you innocent till proven guilty.
  11. D

    What happened to predictions of Herman Cain being finished?

    http://www.gallup.com/poll/150482/GOP-Field-Cain-Image-Better-Earlier-Year.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=syndication&utm_content=morelink&utm_term=All%20Gallup%20Headlines%20-%20Politics Interesting. What say you? Wow Todd. A little racist on your part. @delta. Look at the...
  12. T

    Is Herman Cain the Anti-Christ?

    His 999 Plan just keeps on making me think that it's the 666 plan and God is testing us, giving us clues that we must prevent him from winning the Republican Nomination. What do you all think?
  13. D

    UFC: Kyle Noke vs Ed Herman?

    Who will win and by what? Noke is an australian fighter, he was in ultimate fighter 11
  14. A

    UFC 131 postfight: Florian likely to get Aldo next, JDS worked the ref and Herman pre

    It was a jubilant atmosphere at the UFC 131 postfight press conference in Vancouver. Sure the winners were all beaming, but it was probably because of the positive aura that always surrounds Junior dos Santos. The nastiest striker in the world in the heavyweight division immediately flipped the...
  15. I

    Who do you find sexier...Mr. Rogers or PeeWee Herman?

    Would you go out on a date with either of them? Not me...i like manly men?
  16. C

    Pee Wee Herman Trivia????

    I have 8 very advanced questions first one to get them all right gets best answer 1.What year did he start wearing a white handkerchief in his left breast pocket? 2.Name 9 movies he was in besides "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" 3.How many buttons show on his under shirt? 4.What popular healthy...
  17. C

    examples of suspense in THe Bell Tower by herman mellvile?

    GAH his stories are good < BUT CONFUSING X<<< HELp? thank youuu T____T
  18. G

    Herman Van Veen-Top 100-NL-5CD-2009-gnvr

    Category: Music-MP3 (Pop) Size: 470.82 MB Files: 115 (10 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat November 21st 15:42:39 UTC Download NZB