Why do I dislike lesbians transgender people so much?


New member
Jun 6, 2008
I'm NOT homophobic, my brother is gay and I do have 2 gay best friends ( guys ) so you cannot say I am homophobic... but when it comes to lesbians and transgender people, why? why do I dislike them so much? Whenever I see a butch lesbian, I'll get really grossed out. I'm not sure why. Is this normal?
I understand you completely. I don't mind gays, I really don't. But when it comes to lesbians, I feel... icked out. Transgendered as well. :[ I don't mean to hate or anything, I don't dislike them, I get oogied out. Maybe it's because each lesbian friend I had tried to turn me? I'm not sure, but whatever it is, I am just uncomfortable. :[
Sorry to break it to you but you are homophobic.
Homophobia is not selective. You cant say "Oh I like gay men but lesbians repulse me."

Its just like, a person is not any less racist because they accept people that are black but still hate on other races / nationalities.

Its upsetting for me as a lesbian to be 'hated on' by you for something that is neither in my control nor defines who I am or what my personality is.

Maybe you need to have a serious think about why this bothers you so much. Why people that have no impact or place in your life, evoke such a strong negative reaction from you.
Just because you have a gay brother and a couple of gay friends doesn't mean that you're not homophobic. I know a few Christians who have gay friends, but they disapprove of their 'choice' to be gay.

You probably dislike them because you haven't been around them and also because of the fact that society puts out the image that heterosexual is good, and being homosexual/trans is bad.

No, it's not really normal, to be honest, but that's your opinion.

As another person has said, you might dislike us, but there will always be people who love you (in a platonic way) - including me.
Having gay friends or family doesn't exempt you from homophobia, but I know what you mean. You're repulsed by lesbians and transsexuals. Is it normal? Well, it's certainly common. It's not desirable, though, and I think you know that.

Like someone else has already said, the suffix -phobia implies an irrational fear response. There's something going on internally that causes you to be repulsed by certain human beings. That in itself is normal - most people are repulsed by pedophiles and serial killers - but it's not okay when you're repulsed by someone purely for being who they are and not hurting anybody.

I can't tell you why you're repulsed by lesbians and transsexuals. Only you can explore that yourself. Your repulsion to lesbians is probably similar to homophobic straight guys' repulsion to gay men. You feel as though it's a threat to femininity to be a "butch" lesbian, and that it somehow threatens your own female identity. That's my best guess.
Well you're somethingphobic... no it's not normal. It's irrational

And even though you dislike me for no reason at all, I love you. Just because you're a person.
You dislike their actions because it naturally repulses you. You don't dislike the person. Big difference really.
Technically you are homophobic. Homophobia is fear of homosexuals clearly. The thing is most Homophobic are only or mostly afraid of the homosexuals of their gender for various reasons. For fear that they will come onto you or turn you gay is the most popular of all reasons. Which explain why you arent afraid of gays, they arent into you.