
  1. C

    Is it wrong that I dislike some religions more than others?

    I guess I am a bigot since I dislike some things more than others even though every human is guilty of this. Rosco little p u nk
  2. A

    I Never Thought I Could Dislike A Show Starring Food Until I Watched The American Bak

    On Wednesday night CBS premiered its latest reality-competition series, The American Baking Competition. Unlike most cooking shows, which feature professional chefs, The American Baking Competition pits 10 amateur bakers against one another. The prizes: a cookbook publishing deal and $250,000...
  3. I

    In general, why do people dislike entertainers or celebrities?

    Just curious
  4. B

    Does Avoiding Gossip at Work Make People Dislike You and See you as Self Rightous?

    I work in a hostile environment and all my coworkers are women. I was hired about 4 months ago along with 2 other girls. There seems to constantly be an environment off gossip, disagreements and everyone trying to point out everyone's mistakes to make themselves look good. I have avoided this...
  5. S

    Is it hypocritical of me to dislike PDA when I'm in a relationship myself?

    Whenever I see couples making out, I think it's kinda unclassy to be doing that in public. But I'm in a relationship, and the only PDA I ever do with my bf is hold hands and kiss on the cheek. We don't really go around making out in public. Does this make me a hypocrite?
  6. C

    Would u dedicate a song to those who dislike our totalitarian fascist

    organization & pointless off topic rants? Fcuk You ~ Lily Allen http://youtube.com/watch?gl=US&hl=en&client=mv-rim&v=o8VZX4sHn-4
  7. Q

    Do any of you anime fans out there dislike or hate the pairing fandom in...

    ...certain series? Doesn't matter if the pairings are yaoi/yuri/straight/incest/self-cest related, just do you dislike or hate it period? If I'm watching an anime series where relationships are bound to happen then I watch (depending on how good the show is), but if it an anime series didn't...
  8. C

    If so many people dislike and complain about the contemporary pop music...

    ...(and culture), how on earth ...? do pop figures remain relevant and famous? Are there really tons of millions of fans of those singers and celebrities? BQ: How can we have a cultural revolution and have a much more cultured, refined society?
  9. P

    why does status quo - dislike lesbians is he a rowdy fellow?

    feminists don't make laws - you are really da da da yea
  10. N

    Why would someone dislike PDA?

    I'm dating the trumpeter in my school band, and the band teacher said it makes him nervous when he puts his arm around me and today he used his megaphone to shout at us to stop holding hands. Both of those are allowed by the school rules. The band teacher's married since, like, 3 or 4 years. I'm...
  11. T

    Does anyone else dislike the iOS 5.1 update?

    I think it was dumb for Apple to add the permanent camera shortcut to the lock screen. It's just an inconvenience. Does anyone else agree? And do you think they will remove it with the next update?
  12. A

    Why Does The Middle-Class Dislike The Poor?

    I live in a middle-class neighborhood and many complain that a great percentage of their paychecks at the end of the week (or month) has to go to support public assistance programs such as medicaid, food stamps, section 8, etc. For years I use to hear "those welfare people are always taking my...
  13. C

    Why do so many famous people dislike so much been around the public?

    They treat the public like inferiors or as people that either should be pushed away or that have to listen to them. Many times they think you want to follow them when you bump into them. What can we do so they will be nice and respect us? Many persons out there don't want to follow them, let's...
  14. I

    black friday survey: why do you like or dislike black friday?

    1. do you look forward to black friday or stay far away from black friday shopping? 2. do you plan black friday with friends and plot (i mean plan) who goes where for what? 3. whats the best deal you got for black friday? 4. is black friday worth it for you (crowds, more crowds, parking...
  15. M

    Why do I dislike lesbians transgender people so much?

    I'm NOT homophobic, my brother is gay and I do have 2 gay best friends ( guys ) so you cannot say I am homophobic... but when it comes to lesbians and transgender people, why? why do I dislike them so much? Whenever I see a butch lesbian, I'll get really grossed out. I'm not sure why. Is this...
  16. A

    True believers only:Why is it that so many contributors dislike...

    ...Christians so much, and there the first? Contributions are always complaining that Christians are quacks. crazy and yet are first to answer the questions. Not knowing a thing about the Lord. Not a thing. Some of the stuff that is written is really unbelievable. especially the young...
  17. T

    Introducing cats that seem to dislike each other already?

    we found this stray male cat (not real stray his original owner just left him) well, anyways i have been taking care of him outside of my house by feeding him, and providing a shelter and bedding. I have been wanting to take him inside, but i had two problems first, i have three indoor female...
  18. N

    Do atheist dislike christians?

    Just a question I am atheist myself and I have no problem with them but a lot of my friends seem to have a thing against them.
  19. C

    Why do the male friends of any girl you meet/like always seem to dislike you?

    If you're talking to a girl you meet or if you're a friend catching up why do their male friends seem to not like you? You haven't done anything wrong they just for whatever reason take a dislike to you and try to undermine you. Has this happened to you because I could use some advice. I like...
  20. C

    Why do the male friends of any girl you meet/like always seem to dislike you?

    If you're talking to a girl you meet or if you're a friend catching up why do their male friends seem to not like you? You haven't done anything wrong they just for whatever reason take a dislike to you and try to undermine you. Has this happened to you because I could use some advice. I like...