Why do goldfish need 10 gallons per fish?


New member
May 25, 2011
I've heard tons of people say that a goldfish needs a minimum of 10 gallons for itself because goldfish produce a lot of waste and because they can grow very large. But what is the exact reason for a 10 gallon? Who decided a 10 gallon is the right size? Why not a smaller tank, and then transfer the fish to a larger tank when it gets bigger (and poops more?)

I have a 1.5 inch panda moore and I don't have space to hold a 10 gallon at the moment but I can probably get one within a year. Is that absolutely dreadful?

(And please no responses asking how I would like it if I had to live in a tiny room all the time compared to a larger room... I am not a goldfish, my poo is not eaten by healthy bacteria (at least to my knowledge), and my body and psyche is far more complex than that of a fish.)
Actually a fancy goldfish require 20+ for the first fish and 10+ for the next. Comets require 75+ for the first and 30-55+ for the additional fish. They require large tanks because they are large growing fish. Fancy get 6-8 inches while comets get 12-18+ inches long. They also are extremely messy fish and a smaller tank will stunt their growth. They may stop growing on the outside but their organs will continue to grow causing a very painful death.

Goldfish should live to be about 20 years old. In a small tank or bowl they will be lucky to live over a couple months.

If you have a smaller tank you need to be doing water changes every couple of days even with a filter. If you cannot do that you need to return the fish and get a betta if the tank is 5 or more gallons. If smaller you cannot keep fish.
the exact date to decide the exact 10 gallons was a rainy day in march, the 15th to be exact..., in 1858. By a Sir Circumscribe Ichthys. There's speculation about the exact time but a lot of historians have settled on 6:23 pm. (central standard time)

waitta minute! who switched me from helpful to smartass....dangit....

it's just so they have enough space. when their bigger i doubt there's a large difference in their amount of excrament. if you love ya fish, you'd want a suitable environment,. but, it is a fish. and a smaller tank will probably suit your lovely 1.5 inch panda moore just fine :)
very good opinon at this war year

this is really Good opinion.In the years 2011,There is a lot of war around the world..let us do our best to chang the world better.The world need to be balance.If not,we need to adjust it.I'm quite agree with what you said in the topics led.Infact we only talk about it in our mind but we don't have real exprience led.Now the society technology developed every day more and more.