
  1. K

    can goldfish eat dead fish?

    because my goldfish ate my pleco
  2. J

    What should I call my Black Moore goldfish?

    I have one Black Moore fish and would like a nice name. She is a girl by the way so please no boy names!
  3. H

    Post Hidden Arsenal 07 tin goldfish gadget deck profile?

    for all the machina gadget players out there how are you liking/disliking the new releases for this deck and what does your deck look like now with tin goldfish?
  4. N

    Multiple problems with goldfish?

    So I got these fish about 4-5 weeks ago. 2 telescope eyed and 1 White oranda. They are a big tank which is more than enough room for them,I can't remember exactly how many gallons though. I have alot of problems with one of y goldfish,things that point to signs of ammonia and lack of oxygen..but...
  5. A

    why are my goldfish swimming really fast around the fish tank and i think my

    goldfish are obeise? i finally got them the right filter so that was a good idea, and i also have a pump cleaner which helps alot should i start over and get a brandnew fish tank, cause in the beginning i would change there water all the whole fish tank and they would be happy now everytime i...
  6. F

    Does my Goldfish have a language problem?

    We never converse
  7. F

    How to breed fancy goldfish?

    I have 2 fancy goldfish and I wanna know which one Is make which one Is female and how to breed them thanks
  8. C

    can you put goldfish with other fish?

    I have a fantail gold fish and im planning on getting some other fish... can i put other kinds of fish with my goldfish?
  9. O

    Quiz: Tell me how to properly take care of a Comet Goldfish?

    A little quiz that I have for you "experts" and non-experts. How many gallons? (if your answer is above 10 Gallons for a single Goldfish, tell me why they need a big tank for just one Goldfish.) How much filtration? How many inches do Comets reach? What other kinds of fish can you put with a...
  10. A

    Does goldfish require salt in the tank ? :O?

    Hei guys ~ im new at this so ~ I heard some people say goldfish require little bit of salt in thier tank especailly Orandas ~ O.O
  11. A

    Why is my black moor goldfish changing into gold colour ?

    Hello there fellow Animal-Lovers ~ =D Recently i bought four new goldfish together with the old ones are a total of six , two fantail , two oranda and two black moor . The second day morning before i went to school , i was one of my black moor(Mr.Crapper) died and turn alot goldlish somehow...
  12. M

    is the vent of the female goldfish bigger than the male's?

    this question is 4 my sister.... she has 4 goldfish, most of which are fantails... and she wants to know how to tell the gender of fantails, she read on a site that the "vent" is different for both genders, is this true and if so is the female's bigger or the male's...? any other info on...
  13. G

    Goldfish attention span commercial?

    A while ago I saw a very funny commercial. I believe it was for Goldfish (I could be wrong), and the one fish kept saying "Hey, What's Up?" Can anybody help me out? I'm having trouble finding it on Youtube. I'd love to have a link to this commercial!
  14. G

    What care is to be taken before putting goldfish into a pond?

    So,My pond is full of leaves.There are some turtles inside the pond.There are so many other fishes inside it.And as for testing I put 4 black mollies in it and they are still in that pond.There are big kari(Karies or pronounced as kaari).I think you cannot understand kari,but it is in the family...
  15. S

    Can 1-2 neon tetras live in a goldfish bowl?Or a 5 gallon tank with 2

    accessories,rainbow gravel and a heater? I asked my dad and he said maybe, I only have 5 bucks and Petco sells Neon Tetras around 99¢ each. I also have a 5 gallon tank, Could i also use that?
  16. M

    my 6 year old overweight goldfish is lying on his back he cant move?

    he doesn't look unwell though. like he moves normally when he tries and looks the same. only he cant move. He has been overweight for weeks now but all of a sudden its affected him. Is he dying?
  17. E

    Why do goldfish need 10 gallons per fish?

    I've heard tons of people say that a goldfish needs a minimum of 10 gallons for itself because goldfish produce a lot of waste and because they can grow very large. But what is the exact reason for a 10 gallon? Who decided a 10 gallon is the right size? Why not a smaller tank, and then transfer...
  18. J

    Goldfish might be sick what do I do?

    I have a white goldfish with orangey spots on his right side, he keeps going to the bottom of the tank and sitting there, puts his fins inward instead of fanning them out and hes barely swimming! We change the water daily, he currently lives in a 20 gallon tank with another goldfish
  19. S

    Can I introduce my goldfish into a tank with algae?

    It is only one goldfish but I do not want it to keep feeding off of algae. Will my fish be okay in this or should I try to clean up this algae? The gravel is not covered in it but I don't want my fish to get overfed. Any input is appreciated.
  20. S

    Can I introduce my goldfish into a tank with algae?

    It is only one goldfish but I do not want it to keep feeding off of algae. Will my fish be okay in this or should I try to clean up this algae? The gravel is not covered in it but I don't want my fish to get overfed. Any input is appreciated.