Why do christians hang out in the religion and spirituality section?

I ask myself everyday why I'm drawn to sarcastic and meaningful questions by those who are of different degrees of spirit. I know Jesus and I know He saved me. I just want to honor Him and help anyone who needs info or prayers.
There are just as many atheists that hang out here. I would think christians would come to ask questions about the bible, and learn more...but that doesn't seem to be the case. Seems to me that both sides come to asks ridiculous questions, just to tick one another off. Just to make a point about each other. Some are nice and sincere, but most of them, not so much. Why can't christians accept the fact that atheists don't believe, and why can't atheists accept the fact that christians do believe? I mean really, what's it to you or anyone else what I believe in? I do believe, but I don't expect anyone else to believe just because I do. And I could careless if they believe or not. Stop caring about the ones who don't believe and worry about the ones that do. Same goes for atheists, stop caring about what christians believe, what it's to you? Nothing.
A better question is why nearly every question is posted by a sarcastic atheist...
I guess we just like a good debate