Why do Brits think the UK sucks?


New member
Mar 23, 2008
It seems every time I talk to family members about world events, watch question time, read a paper, or even sometimes just browsing forums here on MAP people are always complaining about the UK and what a sorry state we're apparently in and its starting to bug me. I've known for a little while we apparently have some sort of international reputation for being self deprecating but on occassion it feels like some people are just rather blinkered/ignorant and I'm curious if this idea that Britian's going to the dogs is actually that widely felt and why people have that view? In an attempt to make this readable I'm going to have to break this down a bit:

I've noticed this quite a bit on QT recently which makes sense in light of the situation in Libya and the winding down in Afghanistan but British people seem to be always ready to herald the bravery, training, professionalism etc of our soldiers but in the same breath doubt Britian's ability to use them in any conflict.

Now just from what I remember off the top of my head about Britain's military force:
Great Power in line with France, Germany, Canada and even Russia according to some estimations. The only classification above that is superpower. From my understanding those are given based on force projection, international influence and a few other things but that puts the UK near the top of all Western Powers and leaves quite a few countries underneath.
2nd largest Air Force in NATO second only to the US and the 5th largest on the globe (thats as of early 2011 so I asume thats even with the cuts taken into account)
2nd largest Navy in NATO, again second only to America, with "overall tonnage" making it the 4th largest naval force in the world despite claims we're handing everything over to the French.
Thanks to the marines and the paras we have the 2nd largest quick reaction and force capabiity in NATO and are the only country in Europe capable of large scale ampihbious warfare.

I do accept that I am a nerd for this type of thing but it does me pretty skeptical when I constantly hear that the UK is an island country and we pretty much have only island level power. Just because we no longer have an empire and rule the seas doesn't mean we can't pack any punch at all.

I've just realised that was the only one I could break down like that...meh.

Cambridge is the recognised top uni in the world leading in pyshics and one of the leading in social sciences wth Oxford and Cambridge being the most respected for Law and sociology respectively. A couple of london based unis made top ten for business and economics. Cambridge made second highest for study in medicine. Cambridge is 3rd for computer science although it scored highest for employment prospects after graduation. Oxbrdige are 1st and third for natural sciences and Cambridge is 4th for engineering.

Obviously I'm playing the country up based off two unis but I struggled to find an actual table for other results. that said apparently we are the bottom of the world for school results according to newspaper articles from last year which I find slightly hard ot believe. Bottom in Europe maybe but bottom in the world seems weird. Meh, maybe kids today are stupid and exams are just piss easy. I'll take my 13 GCSEs and burn them shortly

Science and technology
I'm struggling to find comparison charts for this so not much I can say except historically Britian has a pretty good record for churning out important people. That said, its history not present although we do still get Hawking and his epic rap skills.

This is the one that probably pissed me off most to hear complained about and was what got me to write this long winded post (if you're still reading at this point, thankyou, you earned a cookie) after arguing with a couple people now that we should be giving foreign aid to the piss stained hell holes on Earth. The guaranteed response is "we're in debt and have no money" shortly followed by "people are unemployed, immigrants, benefits etc etc"
I will now take this moment to smugly point out:
6th largest GDP in the world.
Admittedly 23rd public debt but we still beat the French and Germans

I'll leave it there but my point is that despite what people think we're not some crummy third world country that needs to be shut off from the rest of the world while we desperately cling to a cliff face by our fingertips. I'm actually not some union jack waving, Al Murray type patriot I'm just tired of reading and hearing how awful we all supposedly are when in reality we should be damn grateful we live somewhere like this. I'm not asking for American levels of patriotism (no offence guys) but I can name a long list of places a hell of a lot worse to live than here and as I say a bit of gratitude and realism would be lovely.

So two questions: Why do we have such a self defeating attitude and how could it be changed?
Or am I completely wrong here and we are in fact in a very bad way?

And finally, I tried to make this post as clear as I could but when I'm involved in stuff like this I have a lot of trouble controlling my thoughts and keeping them on one track so sorry if its as messy as it seems to be.
It's the whole 'grass is greener on the other side' thing. Also, we have a rightwing government which is busily destroying the very thing we should be most proud of- public institutions like the BBC, libraries, the NHS, etc.
I'm no British but I like the U.K, mostly for the tea and Doctor Who
Besides that, I don't really have anything substantial to add.
In part it's because pople in the UK are idiots who have never been to a third or second world country except to stay in a tourist resort. In part it's because things prpobably are going to go down hill in this country a little bit over the next few years because, for so long, we've been living it up in comparisson with opther countries because of historical advantages (i.e. we invasde them and nicked all their good stuff) and now they want to renegotiate their share of the pie.

It's also in part because we've got the Tories in power now who ran a campaign based on the notion of convincing everyone that the country was broke who have now got into power and set about making as many things worse for everyone as possible in the shortest amount of time (For me personally they want to reduce my pension, reduce the number of people I can teach and limit them to a few smart kids and a bunch of rich ones).
We're British. We drink tea, talk about the weather and complain incessantly about absolutely everything.
Hahaha exactly! And if possible we complain about the weather.
I think the issue at the moment is that we're experiencing an economic downturn at present which is affecting many people, myself included, and when folk find themselves with less money it makes them more likely to complain and with that being a national passtime well you see where this leaves us...
Seriously, it's not such a bad place to live. But we have been cursed with a spectacularly inept Norman ruling class. And yes, the same people are in control- there is a George Osbourne in vanity fair. Check out the names of our diplomats some time- the families involved haven't changed since at least the 19th century.
But that's besides the point. The point is the triumph stag. No, bear with me. It's a really lovely looking car. But they had to go and stick that abortion of an engine in it, because the mindless toffs in charge didn't think it was worth investing in research. The Japanese easily outstripped us in terms of engine design. Never mind the fact that Japanese motorcycles are mostly ugly and difficult to service, they're much more advanced because the Japanese actually bothered to put the money where it needed to be.
Im not fond of this country because of two things: the weather and the people.
By the people i mean the attitude. The complaints people have about the country and the economy and their lives, and the bad choices they make, when they have quite cushy lives compared to the stuff ive experienced in other countries.
I complain about the weather because im indian by origin and have lived in tropical countries most my life. (i have an uncle from pakistan who says that yorkshire has the worlds best weather).
still i appreciate the opportunities this country gives people, anyone can make something great of themselves here, if they're willing to put the work in.
Never, ever miss a chance to kick a Pakistani under the belt!
Go India, Go!

i wasnt actually aiming for that!
the guy is just reallly pro yorkshire.
i have no patriotism for any country.
Actually, the more other countries I visit, the more I always appreciate Britain when I get back.

The temperate weather, tolerant people, free healthcare and good tea really make for a jolly nice country. There aren't many countries that have all of the above.
the bankers billion pound bonus
the news of the world disgrace
the abolishment of the nhs
our involvement in iraq and Afghanistan
un resolved cases on war crimes in sri lanka and cambodia (killing fields) (the u.n. was at sri lanka and left them to die)
our selfish approach to "if its not our country its not our problem" (not everyones view)
our homeless situation
law enforcement and their abuse of power
the lies of our government to claim power and then shaft us.
when people talk about immigrants taking our jobs and costing us money on unemployment when the fact is there is more people claiming benefits that are british citizens.

briefly these are just a few things that i hate. but saying that there is worse happening in other countries like afghanistan, libya, mexico, poland, thailand, this doesn't excuse what happens here, its not as bad but its still not right, how can you make the dilapidated building a great structure again without starting from the foundations.

i love britain its my home but i don't think as one of the most powerful countries even with the recession, we do enough for ourselves or others, i think there's too many things i don't like at the moment but they are not really all to do with the u.k. but humanity itself! after all u.k./Britain is a group of islands a lump of rock in the ocean the people that inhabit that island influence and control they make the decisions as individuals or governments and protestors etc as in every country there are good and bad people greedy and selfless just at this moment in time i see the bad more than the good here or at least see the bad has more influence. i would just like to state these are my opinions and may differ to yours, if you dont agree or have questions please ask!

You could maybe add the fact that in spite of the list above, the Brits want to give lessons to the rest of the world... (A lot less than the Yanks, but yet some!)

But maybe, this is not visible from inside the UK, I don't know.


Disclaimer: I am not Brit, so how could I know anything
lol the only nationality Iv ever came across that doesn't complain about there homeland and is adamant everyone should come and live there is Australians.
Man I hate people that complain about British weather.
It's a green and pleasant land as they say. Can't have the green without the rain.
If it wasn't for the gulf stream we'd be having the same weather as Moscow and then what would people say!

Personally I wouldn't live somewhere that was sunny all the time.
As Bill Hicks would say..I'm not a lizard.
I love the UK. Hence why I commute back there frequently even though I own a home in hot 'n sunny Arizona. I enjoy the hot climate, big cars and tanned girls in the States but I always miss the rolling green hills, pubs and intelligent girls back home. I'm immensely proud to be British; like any country we have our problems and idiots who think they're experts on how to run Parliament. Most of these dicks haven't a clue what they're talking about.

"Light travels faster than sound, which is why idiots look intelligent until they speak."