Why are 600cc+ sport bikes not good for first time riders?


New member
May 25, 2008
I see this all of the time on motorcycle videos on YouTube. There's always one person who says "I want to get a 600cc for my first bike". And then followed by 3 replies saying "stay away from 600" or "your inexperienced, start out on a 250".

So what I'm asking is why people advise new riders to start out on 250cc or lower bikes? If you are responsible and smart, i personally think its fine to get a 600cc bike. Cause honestly power isn't the big factor that causes accidents, it's the experiance of the driver. I saw a video where a guy crashed his ninja 300 because he couldn't take a corner going 50mph, in a 30mph zone(plus yamaha advertises their FZ6R as a "first bike", it that helps)But what do you think? Do you think power is really a big factor in motorcycle accidents?

Btw I'm not going to buy a motorcycle, I'm just curious.
You said it in your second paragraph. ".. it's the experience of the driver."

The driver has no experience at this point. Just because you are cautious does not mean you can handle the power, the weight, and the momentum. You can't precisely control throttle and clutch, so you will be beyond your capabilities before you even realize it. Because you have all of that power, the brakes are bigger, and it is much harder to feather them in a panic situation... lots of accidents are from losing control while braking in corners.
yeah its best to start small, think about it, not just all those hndreds of horsepower, but also the weight of a huge bike like that, with a 250 you can just swing round corners, turn sharply and makes everything easy. but on a big heavy powerful bike its just going to make everything harder and more dangourise
Learning to make a small cc bike do what needs to be learned teaches CONTROL.
Any monkey can twist a throttle, what said monkey does with that is 'monkeying around'.
But all in-line 4 600s have a rather high input to torque ratio and that is usually the trouble maker.
Read this article "SO YOU WANNA GET A SPORTBIKE?"
It might help you understand.


Try watching this too, "Is a 600cc Bike a Good First Bike?"

It's cool to start on a 600, you just got to understand what the clutch is and how to use it. People think it's an "On/Off" switch they pop it out, do an accidental quick acceleration or wheelie and crash. If you ease it into the friction zone (no throttle at first) if you're not experienced. I started on a 750cc cruiser but it's a V4 so it has 80-90 HP instead of those V twin 750cc cruisers with 30 horsepower. If you have control you can start out on almost any bike