
  1. G

    Best bike for tall riders?

    I am 6'5'' and I am new to bikes and would like to find out what kind of bikes are best fit for me. I am looking for a bmx bike because they look cooler than other models. I dont do really tricks, I just want to ride. So if you could suggest some bikes that would make my research much easier. Im 18
  2. S

    Why do riders like having aftermarket exhausts on their sport bikes?

    I was thinking about getting a aftermarket exhaust, is it worth the money?
  3. A

    Why are 600cc+ sport bikes not good for first time riders?

    I see this all of the time on motorcycle videos on YouTube. There's always one person who says "I want to get a 600cc for my first bike". And then followed by 3 replies saying "stay away from 600" or "your inexperienced, start out on a 250". So what I'm asking is why people advise new riders to...
  4. Z

    Hitting bike riders with your truck on purpose?

    Anyone else purposely hit people on bikes? not run over but hit them just enough to scare them but not hard enough to hurt them?
  5. T

    Lets discuss d*ck riders - Jan 05,2013

    we are discussing the drama between chrissy and her crowd and china. china coming out. More...
  6. L

    Why do they say the fastest sport-bikes are dangerous for inexperienced riders?

    So, I was at the bike shop and a GSXR 1300 really caught my eye. It fit around me like a glove. I have driven other bikes, including doing some serious dirt biking, just no crotch rockets. However, the lady at the shop insisted that I look at something with 1000cc's, or less; hesitantly at...
  7. A

    What's the best sports bike for beginner riders?

    I was thinking of getting a Kawasaki Ninja 250R, but I don't know if there are any other bikes out there. Also, what is a good website to check out used bikes.
  8. T

    Multiple Riders, Lack Of Helmet Use, And Faster ATVs Contribute To Pediatric Injuries

    As all-terrain vehicle (ATV) use continues to grow, so does the number of injuries. Children comprise about one-third of the 130,000 to 150,000 ATV-related emergency department visits each year and one-quarter of the more than 800 deaths. In fact, more children are injured from ATV crashes each...
  9. T

    Motorcycle Helmets Safer For Riders But Hard On Hearing

    Motorcycle helmets, while protecting bikers' brains, may also be contributing to hearing loss. Scientists mapped the airflow and noise patterns to find out why. The distinctive roar of a Harley's engine is loud, but studies have revealed the biggest source of noise for motorcyclists is actually...
  10. C

    Why are Harley riders so bitter towards sport bike riders?

    My dad included. When in a conversation with a Harley owner If I say anything about my sport bike I instantly get rudeness or a rice burner comment. However, when I see a Harley on the road I am courteous and give them plenty of room (in case any bolt on chrome falls off) Come on guys, cruisers...
  11. C

    Why are Harley riders so bitter towards sport bike riders?

    My dad included. When in a conversation with a Harley owner If I say anything about my sport bike I instantly get rudeness or a rice burner comment. However, when I see a Harley on the road I am courteous and give them plenty of room (in case any bolt on chrome falls off) Come on guys, cruisers...
  12. B

    Is it illegal for learner riders to modify their bikes?

    I am about to buy a Megelli 250s 2009 I know this bike has its problems and all, feel free to tell me about it but no lectures about how I shouldn't ride a motorcycle please, I know what I am into. Back to my question, I want to know what sort of modifications can I make to this bike and keep...
  13. B

    Sourcing bike forks Changing Walmart for long foot riders to not hit front tire?

    can you do this with a cruiser?
  14. K

    Why don't most Harley riders like most street-bike riders?

    I under stand its a generation difference but is their a legit reason why?!
  15. A

    Can anybody give me a link to the bylaws for Motor Bike Riders Organization

    in the Philippines? My teacher is in a motor bike riders organization and she asked me to search for the bylaws. I wanted to help her so I said yes. Unfortunately, I can't find anything on Google so far. So guys, can anyone give me a link to the bylaws? Thanks in advance!
  16. M

    Prediction Stampeders or Riders?

    I'm praying Riders don't win, I have grey cup tickets and if Riders make it, I won't be going. So who do you think will win tomorrow? Give a reason for your answer.
  17. J

    What are these 80's/90's cartoon of dragon riders and girls who have

    their own animal eg: unicorn, pegasus etc? Ok, the first cartoon is about these dragon riders who each have their own dragon and the rest of the humans live on a flying ship. The dragon riders have to look for the lava-infested earth for these purple stones that the ship needs to recharge. The...
  18. G

    Sonic Riders XBOX-ProjectX

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 2.23 GB Files: 55 (10 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu November 11th 18:34:06 UTC Download NZB
  19. T

    Were there any black or mixed race riders in this years tour de france cycle race?

    black people do not seem to take part in cycle racing or am I wrong.
  20. G

    Sonic Riders Zero Gravity PROPER USA WII-WiiFi

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.71 GB Files: 105 (14 pars) Group: a.b.games.wii .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: http://www.ebgames.com/product.asp?product_id=230152 Posted: Mon July 5th 15:23:29 UTC Download NZB