Why am i so jealous and sensitive when it comes to good nutrition?!?


Jun 3, 2008
So not to long ago i lost 20 pounds but not in a healthy way. I was nearly starving myself and exercising like crazy. After a long period of doing this i developed a binge eating disorder because i was on such a strict diet. Well i recently got help and so far have been binge free for almost 2 months and lost all the weight that i regained. But i thought this i would be happy again but im not and still worry all the time about what i eat because I'm scared of binge eating and gaining weight all over again. And when my friends talk about eating healthy and losing weight, i get really jealous and aggravated but i dont know why because i get healthy all the time. And it makes me happy when i see them fail on their healthy eating..i dont want to be like this anymore!!

I know that was really long but i am in need of help desperately!
Why do i get so jealous when other people eat healthy and lose weight? Why do i worry so much about what i get and how can i stop? I just want to be my happy self like i was before this whole diet crisis started!
Just tell yourself that theyre your friends and you should encourage them!

Help me? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlqNtxovw.QMfIJtwbZSRAQM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20110308191334AAzEm0T