
  1. V

    Predictably, Roy Hibbert Gets Fined Because Everyone is Too Sensitive

    [No message]
  2. G

    Researchers design sensitive new microphone modeled on fly ear

    Using the sensitive ears of a parasitic fly for inspiration, a group of researchers has created a new type of microphone that achieves better acoustical performance than what is currently available in hearing aids. The scientists will present their results at the 21st International Congress on...
  3. T

    Engineers Develop More Sensitive Electronic Nose

    Swedish and Spanish engineers have created a system of sensors that detects fruit odours more effectively than the human sense of smell. For now, the device can distinguish between the odorous compounds emitted by pears and apples. Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV...
  4. B

    I'm very sensitive to caffeine ?

    I'm 23 years old when I was 14 and 15 I thought it's because I'm young for it I'm a little sensitive but now I'm 23 and when I drink coffee in the morning I can not sleep for two days and I become very very energetic it's annoying .. and my head hurts I can't even have a little bit of...
  5. M

    Is there anything as sensitive and smooth as the X-Files, not necessarily sci fi?

    Thats one of the reasons I love the X files - I think a lot this was in Mulder and Skullys Characters - the commentry from them together is very fair, balanced, respectful, plain, kind, funny, dry -----I'm also wondering what shows inspired these characters? I'm half way through the 9th season...
  6. T

    Method For More Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors Could Open Up A New Class Of Techno

    Graphene and related materials hold promise for the future of electrochemical sensors - detectors that measure the concentration of oxygen, toxic gases, and other substances - but many applications require greater sensitivity at lower detection ranges than scientists have been able to achieve. A...
  7. J

    Why are Christians so sensitive when you challenge their beliefs?

    For instance, when I call one of them batshit crazy, they get angry. But they are batshit crazy, otherwise they wouldn't believe the stuff I said.
  8. T

    Study Of Indoor Air Quality Risks In United Arab Emirates Is Culturally Sensitive

    The rapid shift from nomadic life to modern-day culture in the United Arab Emirates has exposed residents to significant indoor air quality risks that can lead to respiratory illness, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. With the swift modernization of...
  9. G

    What kind of soccer balls are sensitive to the air?

    I know jabulani and torfabrik are, are there anymore that are sensitive, mainly for free kicks?
  10. S

    how sensitive are otto catfish?

    ive had at least 5, 3 died but i still have 2. now i think these little guys are as tough as nails, i mean 1 of them only has 1 eye but it still gets around ok and ive even had problems with my tank (high ammonia) and they never died. are they supposed to be that tough
  11. S

    how sensitive are otto catfish?

    ive had at least 5, 3 died but i still have 2. now i think these little guys are as tough as nails, i mean 1 of them only has 1 eye but it still gets around ok and ive even had problems with my tank (high ammonia) and they never died. are they supposed to be that tough
  12. J

    IPhone sensor too sensitive?

    The sensor that detects when you put the phone close to your face and makes the screen go black has been hyper sensitive lately. When I text I turn my phone on the side to get the keyboard layout, and if my finger goes near it it'll turn off my screen for a split second. Is there anyway to turn...
  13. R

    3D Studio - Gizmo is too sensitive or units off, please help?

    I started a new model and for some reason the gizmo is scaling at harsh increments instead of smoothly. It basically clicks about every scale inch instead of scaling nicely. I've looked all over and have tried many things but does anyone know what controls this and how to fix it?
  14. T

    Bitter Sensitive Children Could Eat More Vegetables With Help Of Dip

    There's an existential crisis that often happens at dinner tables across the country: why won't kids eat their vegetables? Research has found that one reason could be a sensitivity to bitterness, fairly common among children about 70 percent have it. But a new study led by Jennifer Orlet...
  15. M

    What do I include in a suvery introduction if some people are sensitive about...

    ...the topic (exercise)? I would like to introduce myself as xxxxxx a grade 11 student currently studying Intro. to Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. I am conducting a survey on levels of physical activity. Please take a few minutes of your time to read the questions thoroughly and answer...
  16. A

    Were can i watch sensitive pornograph on the iPhone?

    I am 18 so don't post that's gross or how old are you
  17. B

    my iPhone 2 is broken and the home button has become really sensitive... what... i do? So my phone will automatically cut out of apps and the home button is like a touch screen and has become really sensitive. Also when i press the lock button takes a screen shot. I've tried moving my fingers and anything else away from the home button but it still does it... does...
  18. B

    What product should i use for my face? Sensitive skin. Men Skin, Help!?

    I'm a 17 years- old teenage boy with acne-covered face. I didn't really care about my face until i met this girl. I want to flatten my skin. It's really terrible right now. I have many dark spots and white head acnes around cheeks, and some more white head acnes around my nose. I have some white...
  19. D

    Problems with Super Joy Box 7? Windows 7, down is super sensitive!?

    Hello, I just bought a Super Joy Box 7 to use with my Flight Control 98 system and when i tilt a little bit down, it acts as if i just put it all the way down! The wings just go straight down, but no problems with going up. What can i do to fix it, i've tried calibrating it. Thanks, Danz207
  20. R

    Do girls respect sensitive guys or do they secretly laugh at them?

    Ladies I need your brutal honest opinion. Stoic types or cry babies. Which do you respect?