Who's got any really funny jokes that will make me laugh?

I know a good one someone recently told me but I'm not gonna say it on here. e-mail me if you really want to know it. It's short but funny.
After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?" "You'll know tonight," he said. That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it - to find a book entitled: "The Meaning of Dreams."


A flying saucer landed at a gas station on a lonely country road. The two space aliens inside seemed completely unconcerned about detection; in fact, the letters "UFO" were emblazoned in big, bold letters on one side of their shiny craft. As the station owner stood and gawked in silence, paralyzed with shock, his young blonde attendant nonchalantly filled up the tank and waved to the two aliens as they took off.

"Do you realize what just happened?" the station owner finally uttered.

"Yeah," said the blonde attendant. "So?"

"Didn't you see the space aliens in that vehicle?!"

"Yeah," repeated the blonde attendant. "So?"

"Didn't you see the letters 'UFO' on the side of that vehicle?!"

"Yeah," repeated the blonde attendant. "So?"

"Don't you know what 'UFO' means?!"

The blonde attendant rolled his eyes. "Good grief, boss! I've been
working here for six years. Of course I know what 'UFO' means
'Unleaded Fuel Only.'"
why did the blond get kicked out of the M&M factory?

because she was throwing alway all of the W's
idk if this would be considered a joke but my 8 year old son did this to me today

my son: Hey mommy you got an updog on your shirt

i say: What's updog?

he says: not much just getting a snack.

lmao it took me off guard and was soooo cute i hope you get a good laugh out of it like i did
There was this guy stranded in the desert. He was just walking along when he came upon this guy dressed really nice, suit and tie and all that. "Do you want to buy a tie?" asked the nicely dressed man as he opened a suitcase full of ties. "Do you have anything to drink?" asked the stranded man. "Sorry, I've only got ties." The man continued walking along and he soon came upon another well dressed man, who was also selling ties. The man walked along and found YET ANOTHER tie salesman. He told the man he didn't want his ties, but he just wanted some water. The man crawled along, on the edge of death. Suddenly, he saw something in the distance. He thought he was hallucinating. He saw a...bar. He hurried towards the bar and was just about to walk in when one of the bouncers stopped him. "Sorry," said the bouncer, "you can't get in without a tie." FML
i have one but its racist so i do not think the internet is a place for it.


there. now laugh.
70-year-old George went for his annual physical. All of his tests came back with normal results. Dr. Smith said, "George, everything looks great physically. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with yourself, and do you have a good relationship with your God?"
George replied, "God and me are tight He knows I have poor eyesight, so he’s fixed it so that when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (poof!) the light goes on when I pee, and then (poof!) the light goes off when I’m done."
"Wow," commented Dr. Smith, "that’s incredible!"
A little later in the day Dr. Smith called George’s wife. "Thelma," he said, "George is just fine. Physically he’s great. But I had to call because I’m in awe of his relationship with God.
Is it true that he gets up during the night and (poof!) the light goes on in the bathroom, and then (poof!) the light goes off?"
Thelma exclaimed, "That old fool! He’s peeing in the refrigerator again!"