Which NXT Rookie would suit the following TITLES?

Apr 19, 2010
Which NXT Rookie would suit the following Titles?

1. Hardcore Champion
2. US Champion
3. European Champion
4. Cruiserweight Champion

BQ1: If you could choose one NXT Rookie to be voted off, who would you pick?
BQ2: If you had to fire one NXT Pro, who would it be?
Don't use each NXT Rookie more than once for the titles bit.
1. Wade barret
2. Daniel byran
3. David otunga
4. Justin gaberil

BQ1: Daniel byran
BQ2: Matt hardy
1. Skip Sheffield
2. Daniel Bryant
3. Wade Barett
4. Justin Gabriel

BQ1: David Otunga, he wouldn't even be there without his connections
BQ2: Matt Hardy, he's becoming irrelevant
1. Heath Slater
2. Daniel Bryan
3. Skip Sheffield
4. Justin Gabriel

1. Michael Tarver
2. The Miz