Poll: The First Game of Game Club




I know that E3 is right around the corner, but I think if I keep putting off this first ever Game Club it may never come to fruition. So lets get this thing going.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably want to read this first. I still haven't come up with all of the details, but I have decided that what we will most likely do is include a limited number of people in the discussions in our Campfire room (a sort of big, secure chat room) and that we will then post the outcome of the chat in Kotaku for the rest of the readers to continue the discussion in. More details on how we will decide who gets in the door once we get going.
I suspect once we work the kinks out we will be choosing the game to feature in the Game Club, but for this first one ever I decided to would be nice to run a short poll to see which game you want featured. Hit the jump to vote and make sure you check out the three PC titles on the list, whether we pick them or not, they're all worth a play. Brian Crecente
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