Whey protein newbie guide?


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Hi.. Yesterday I got myself a protein supplyment called Scivation Choc and it taste great, but the point of this question is did I do it right?

I did the following:
30 push up, 30 sit ups, 30 sit ups (diff style), 30 squat, 20 forward knee lunge, 30 star jumps, 10 shoulder press (standing position), 10 elevated push up, 30 hindhu push up, 10 jumping forward knee lunge with a bumdbell.
I took sip of cold water throughout this session

After the workout I made myself a protein drink, it was actually my first time making a protein drink. I add in 2 1/2 cups of choco milk and 2 scoops of Scivation Choc 2lb and in a blender, and I drank 2 plastic tumbler size worth of this protein drink.

I dranked it all and after an hour or so my upper body was feeling good although my deltoid muscle is a little sore, abs are sore, and my lower half of my body is sore as well especially my legs specifically my hamstring.
The next day my legs are a little bit sore……..all I just wanna know did I do everything right?
Is whey protein meant to repair your muscle? Im kinda new to this protein diet powder stuff