Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

Mar 28, 2008
Where would be the best place for a single black female, 30 years old, no kids, favors Jennifer Hudson, BBA degree, and professional finance job find a husband? I am ready to settle down and its getting harder and harder for me to connect with a intelligent, kind, honest and loyal man. I'm not a hootiche or hoodrat. Not the club regular. I love Neo Soul music (jill scott, erykah badu, etc.) and jazz. I family oriented and have a great sense of humor. I just attract jerks, playas, and unmotivated men. I am open for suggestions.
just because you don't like the answers you got earlier doesnt mean you should repost the question.try... in a fantasy.
Chicago, Illinois ... one of the most diverse states and not just by ethical standards i mean personalties GOOD LUCK! and you seem very smart....you will get a boyfriend soon !
Whatever happened to the men finding the women these days? I think the roles of men and women have been reversed. Let the man find you first.
well im not sure if your christian but in a well organized church with dedicated people would be nice
at a club to me that would be the last place to look cuz when they get wit u thaey probably aint nothin but cheaterz
Try getting involved in political,social,charitable,or religious organizations, you should be able to find someone there.
If you "stop" searching, you will not think about it as much, therefore it will not affect you as much. Love will come to YOU, when you least expect it that is. Everyone's time comes sooner or later,and it only seems to take longer because you are aware and searching. So relax, he will come to you.
Learn about "Law of Attraction" go to Louise Hay's website. She owns Hayhouse. It is done unto us as we believe. If you can believe you meet men who fit the description of what you say you want & stay focused on that you will see them everywhere. Knowing where to meet them isn't important. Louise Hay had a history of meeting abusers & she tells how she can go to a party now & she is invisible to those kinds of men but at one time she was a magnet to them.
Whom you attract may be a function of where you go. I agree with the person who suggested church. If you're religious, you're more likely to find someone who shares your values there. Otherwise, your best bet, IMHO, is to be involved in organizations or activities so that the people you meet share your interests, whether in Habitat for Humanity, Mensa, or a political campaign.
Try where I live- Toronto, Ont. We have a diverse, multicultural society, arts, fine dining, great shopping, affordable housing, clean and safe streets, a generally polite populace with low crime. Leave me an E-mail and we'll chat-I love motown, jazz, reading. I'm a plumber with a degree in history, homeowner with a great job. Talk to you maybe.