Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

I don't think it matters if they're black or white or green. Sll of the good ones are hiding. Somewhere. I have no idea where. I find all the jerks myself. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being too picky. Then I laugh at myself because I will not settle. I'll be alone before I'll settle. If you do find some decent men, let me know where to look. Good Luck!!
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

San Diego has a lot of professional men and a lot of finance/money jobs. I am not sure of the exact demographics, but I remember seeing a few black men wearing ties, looking like they had it together. Also, San Diego, Orange County really look down on illegitamite (sp?) children. So, I would think that would help. Stay away from Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Working at a Hospital or large Accounting firm.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Well i am a 14 year old, and i hope you would make theis answer the bestLet me tell you something, when you find a guy, don't have sex with them for a tleast 9 months because guys sometimes use girl's for pleasure and leave themthe best place to find a good guy is probably a library or wherever you work, decent clubs, internet(but be carefull), tell your friends to find you one, go on a vacation somewhere far and look for someonea word for advice, if you found the one, don't cheat on himwell good luck because u sound like a beautifull and well educated person.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Why not try some of the adult dating sites?There's dozens of them, and they make it easy to find a compatible partner.I'm not overly impressed with the mainstream dating sites because they don't address the issues of sexual preferences, and in all honesty, sexual compatibly between partners is very important to any relationship.The adult dating services allow you to be more open and up front about the things you are and aren't into.Try the Adult Dating Section at PassionsUnchained.com to get an example of the wide variety of sites available.Look for 'Adult Dating' under the 'Online Services' tab.If you don't want to visit an adult site, visit the Dating and Romance Section at BuddyAndOscars.comBoth have a large selection of dating sites.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Use an online dating service.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

The best place for single I think Pub or restaurants that place is have some people who have diner.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

There was an issue of Essence last year that featured some pretty special guys and I know Ebony spotlights professional singles yearly as well. Also, if you haven't been already, try one of the many jazz festivals in the Caribbean or the Essence Music Festival which usually takes place in July I'll give you the same advice that I gave to my 25 year old daughter, ...Travel and take the Lord with you! Good luck!
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

When Black women start raising strong Black men like my Mother did instead of thugs. I wish you find that person you deserve it .
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Sometimes it comes when you really least expect it. I remember this guy hit on me at a grocery store in the condiments aisle, go figure lol.But definitely try a hospital or place of worship or if your athletic a golf course or tennis court...trust me on that one.Good Luck!
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Afrointroductions.com Believe it or not although I am not looking for a relationship right now whenever I just want to engage in an intelligent conversation with a black man I've found continued sucess on this website. FYI ... There are also ALOT of white men on there looking for black women also but if you are open to that even they are not bad picks As far as black men, quite often I find many intelligent well educated black men are proud of their heritage and so am I thus given the social, political and extracurricular activities/ groups I involve myself in I've never really had that problem. Something to consider.
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

Sister, I am so on your page. I am black woman in my late twenties and can't meet a decent/serious guy. I am a pretty girl, with a good figure, Law Degree, high profile job. The last two guys I dated were dogs!!! Status wise they were of good calibre - one owned his own business the other was a Network coordinator. The only problem that I found out after a while was that they both had girlfriends. I'm telling you, it is getting more difficult for good single black woman to meet good single black men. Most of my black female friends are in the same predicament. I live in the UK and I can tel you now that going to London is not going to solve your problem. I would say out of every decent black male you meet here, there are 100 decent black woman - so you get an idea about the shortage.I would say try and open up your options a bit, if you are looking for a great black man you are limiting yourself and in this day an age, you really need to expand your options/requirements otherwise you could be waiting a really long time.Other than that I would say don't look too hard, but when opportunities present themselves give it a chance (even if its not the usual type of guy you would date i.e. white guy/hispanic).
Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

I HIGHLY recommend EHarmony..if you are serious and marriage minded you will find a good man there!!I was a single professional black man in the same situation that you were in then I put my profile on eharmony and I was married 10 months later to a wonderful black woman (doctor)!Church is also a good option!! Find one that is popular with African Americans in your area.