Where the HELL can I get some old Mac Lethal to download, preferably torrents?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
My buddy used to have the whole Mac Lethal (Black Clover Records) CD collection that he bought from one of the shows down in Eugene, Oregon, namely the album: Men are from Mars, Porn Stars Are From Venus.

I used to have more than half of his whole collection and used to be able to limewire it easily.

But nowadays, I can't even find a freakin' torrent for his older music.

Anyone have any old Mac Lethal or know where I can get some (even Amazon is out of copies to buy...)

Thanks! I'd appreciate it.
limewire.go to youtube and look up install limewire pro free
then u have to make a change to firewall settings but I dont know how.Ask it on yahoo answers,firewall settings for p2p program and you'll probabbly find it