
  1. J

    lethal martial arts for paraplegic?

    Hi there all, is there any lethal martial arts for someone who is a paraplegic, and can practice my hands only? And woud you know any websites that show you how to also your crutches and strengthen and fight with your arms? Thank you and peace
  2. F

    music quiz/clue;small lethal creature spotted in south america?

    answer needs to have a music connection
  3. T

    Treatable Weakness In Lethal Form Of Prostate Cancer Identified

    A recent report in Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, suggests that a new treatment may be on the horizon for neuroendocrine prostate cancers, the most lethal subtype of this disease. Mark Rubin, M.D., professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at...
  4. A

    how much nicotine is a lethal dose through skin contact?

    I guess my question is what is a lethal amount of pure nicotine to come into contact with? How much nicotine can you touch before you risk dieing?
  5. C

    why is cigarette smoke lethal to plants?

    so i hear i should never smoke while near plants because nicotine kills them but why tobacco is a plant i cant understand it myself
  6. T

    Protein That Fuels Lethal Breast Cancer Growth Emerges As Potential New Drug Target

    A protein in the nucleus of breast cancer cells that plays a role in fueling the growth of aggressive tumors may be a good target for new drugs, reports a research team at the Duke Cancer Institute. The finding, published in the Oct. 18, 2011, print issue of the journal Cancer Cell, presents a...
  7. T

    Physician Participation In Lethal Injection Executions Should Not Be Banned, Argue Tw

    Should physicians be banned from assisting in a lethal injection execution, or lose professional certification for doing so? A recent ruling by the American Board of Anesthesiology will revoke certification of anesthesiologists who participate in capital punishment, and other medical boards may...
  8. T

    The Lethal Mix Of Binge Drinking And High Blood Pressure

    People with hypertension (high blood pressure) who binge drink are much more likely to die than other individuals, says a study published in the medical journal Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. The definition of hypertension in this study was blood pressure of at least 168 /100...
  9. E

    Who was the most lethal female movie character?

    Was it Malorie Knox or someone else?
  10. J

    Non lethal defensive "Gadgets"?

    I'm really into self defense, I've taken 6 years of Krav Maga and two years of kick boxing. I enjoy a rather large collection of knives, and have a particular love for expandable batons. However, the area that I live in is very restrictive in what one may carry around as a defensive tool...
  11. G

    Lethal Bizzle-Going Out Tonight (Remixes)-Promo CDS-2009-CMS

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 26.57 MB Files: 11 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri September 18th 09:35:10 UTC Download NZB
  12. G

    Lethal Bizzle-Going Out Tonight-Promo CDS-2009-CMS

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 4.60 MB Files: 7 (2 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat August 29th 09:44:57 UTC Download NZB
  13. R

    Where the HELL can I get some old Mac Lethal to download, preferably torrents?

    My buddy used to have the whole Mac Lethal (Black Clover Records) CD collection that he bought from one of the shows down in Eugene, Oregon, namely the album: Men are from Mars, Porn Stars Are From Venus. I used to have more than half of his whole collection and used to be able to limewire it...
  14. S

    In UFC do mma fighters suffer from lethal brain damage and concussions in the

    long run? I was watching a documentary on American Football stars that died due to some forms of physical damage or the other when they were in there 60's. It said that professional full contact sports athletes suffer major injuries in their career that decrease their lifespan by 15-20 years...