What to do when your friends don't have the same interests?


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Okay, they kind of do...but I have this one interest: I really like to see plays. But the thing is, I can't, because my friends don't really like them. They haven't even given them a chance :( I know that if I ask them to see one, they will say no...or they'll say yes but never try and bring it up again.

I would go to one, but I can't really socialise there because people kind of cluster off into groups and I would look like a freak if I tried to join in. There aren't any clubs around my area, as people in my area aren't into drama.

The best distance I can go to see plays would have to be an hour away.
Make new friends, not ditching the old ones ofcourse, just find a second group that shares that interest