What the hell am I drinking!

Well there is all kinds of these "facts" normally to make the people addicted feel better.
On seperate videos in school i've seen:
"Alcohol addiction is one of the hardest to break"
"Nicotine is the strongest addiciton"
"Heroin is the strongest addiciton from the physical cravings"
" is the strongest addiction "
My Dad gave up cigarrettes in one day, Mum refused to let him buy them so he quite cold turkey. I'm fairly sure caffeine is only a psychological addiction people feel they need a stim boost everyday rather than it actually creating serious cravings.... then again i get the oddest craving for Deep Fried Chilli Beef....... that's been a 2 week craving and still not shaken!
There are two different and, sometimes, equally strong componants to addiction: physical and psychological. I smoked for years and was never physically addicted, though as soon as I am out at a bar or with certain friends (who I used to smoke with) I want to smoke. Basically, the behavior was ingrained that at certain times I should smoke and that was harder to break then anything physical. Other addictions are more dangerous. Coming off heroin sucks from what I can tell, but coming off alcohol can potentially kill someone.

Yes, there are people physiologically addicted to all of the above, however there are also people psychologically or behaviorally addicted to some of the above as well.
Now this I used to have as well. Whenever I drank any type pf cheap diluted orange juice as a kid I was almost instantly out of breath. Never understood why but looking back i guess it would be a reaction to one of the chemicals in the drink. I never really looked in to it as I stopped drinking the stuff when I was a kid but I started again recently and lo and behold about 6 months ago the ahstma I haven't suffered from in 5 years came back.

Of course it could be a coincidence but....