What the hell am I drinking!


New member
Apr 4, 2008
So just for giggles I've got a collection of empty bottles of soft drinks that I've drunk over the last week or so (I keep them for water bottles) And I decided that I would google the various ingredients and e-numbers on the back and see if any of them have super fun time additives in them.

Really Light Ribena

So apparently this stuff is Friendly to teeth, No added preservative, no artificial colours and contains Superfruits! (Gay Superman?). Sounds good right?


Malic acid

Pffft, so basically some people can't handle fizzy sweets. Girls.

Calcium Hydroxide

Ohhh kay then, well at least it says Overdose, it's not like I'm drinking that much of the stuff right? Also, look, look, citations are needed! That means they could be lying right?


Now on the positive side of the coin, I'm not entirely sure what the last two of those actually are, hence my blood pressure is staying suitably low. On the other hand, tumors are. I'm reliably informed, a bad thing. Also, this crap is in everything!

Acesulfame K

Well, at least it's a benign tumor, I MEAN IT COULD BE WORSE RIGHT?

Oh wait, wait, it is:

Hmmmmm, that would seem to explain why the bottle says it's not recommended for children under the age of three then.


One of my friends used to have an allergic reaction to Lilt, wonder why?


Hehehe, laxatives are funny.


Well thank god for that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You feeding me rat poison?

oh right, dilute rat poison, that's better.

You know, i wish I'd been allergic to lilt as a kid, much better option than drinking the crap.


Accacia Gum
Great, so now I'm supporting terrorism by drinking Fanta. Well that's just awesome, if I don't cop it from cancer, brain tumours or rat poison I could still be paying for the bomb that blows me to pieces.

Sodium Saccharin
So it might not cause cancer. Well that's reassuring.

So right from the start I find myself a little non-plussed at drinking something described as "Coal tar" but hey, it's just a name right?

Great, just great.

Have I mentioned recently how much I love this country? What the hell is dermatitis anyway?

Diet coke
I think I know where this is going by now

Wait a minute, didn't I already do you? well, maybe I did but hey look, I found something new:

Other than this though, diet coke actually brings nothing new to the table, just the same old carcinogenic stuff that everything else has in it. I can't help but feel slightly disappointed. I mean seriously, put some effort in, I thought this guy was going to be the worst of the bunch.

In suofftopicry, I'm going to die soon but before I do I'd love t hear what your favourite e-numbers are and why. I think we should see who can find the worst, still legal additive in the UK.
While I'm thinking about this, what the hell is the deal with ribena? I mean they say on the bottle there are no artificial colours or preservatives so what are they putting that stuff in there for? Do they just not like me?
I've just done a quick google of various e numbers. My favourite has to be E939 - Helium.

Now to find a drink that has it in and see how many it takes to make my voice go all squeaky.
Artifical sweetners such as Aspartame are absolutely evil chemicals.
You'd do far better just to drink the hi-cal sugary stuff. At least sugar is a natural substance. Rotten teeth are a small price to pay compared to what the toxic waste in "diet" drinks can do to you.

Better yet, just stick to water and fresh fruit juice
Lo and behold, nothing has really happened to you. Like anything in life, take too much and it will hurt; too little and it won't really do anything.

Most of the "lethal" and "carcinogenic" effects of any of these chemicals are ridiculously high. We are talking gallons and gallons of any of those drinks every day to even see a hint of those effects.
Hasn't fresh fruit juice been shown to cause equal levels of badness? Due to it being more sugary than coke (courtesy of my fridge 11g WTF?) and containing Acid anyway?
Water ftw, shame i hate the stuff.
Tumours, Asthma, Hypertension, Breathing Difficulty, etc?
Not as far as I'm aware

I believe the sugar in fruit juice is fructose rather than sucrose and glucose, which makes a difference.

That's true. I think it can erode teeth. But that's only an issue if you are drinking it alone. If you are taking it with food then there is no problem.
If in doubt, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards or eat something (non sugary) to neutralise the acid.

I cant drink diet drinks as they are about the only thing that sets my athsma off these days, cheap diluting orange is the worst.
Something I have come to realize something about coke/pepsi and I'm surprised that no one has tried this. Especially in the this world of lawyers, particularly in the states.

Coke and other such products are addictive. It has become more or less comon knowledge that these drinks are not good for you. This is a product that is heavily marketed to kids and teens.

Name one other product that is addictive (and to boot, there are no warning lables on the product), universely bad for you, and marketed to people under the age of 18. I can't come up with one.

I mean hey, if smokers won a class action law suit, people sue Mc D's for serving hot coffee ... Why not go after coke/pepsi etc. ?

Edit - I'm basically about one year off the stuff now. As in I *might have one cola drink a month if that. If I want some carbinated beverage, beer ftw, Guinness in particular. I used to put down a good 4-5 cans of coke a day no prob, droping that has almost made as big of a difference as me quiting cigs.
lol scary but true - it was about as hard to kick as smoking, if not on par with it. The caffine withdraws where easily as bad a nic fit and usually brought out the same surley Burbs.

When I 'quit' , it was responsible for a serious amount of rapid weight loss. Lots and lots of empty cals.
mebe, but it does not hold a candle to the power of caffine. I remember reading that if you eat some rediculous amount of it, like 20 pounds, you would catch a mean buzz. Doesn't chocolate have something in it related to morphine?

Might be an urban myth/fact... but is it true that caffine is the 1st or 2nd most addictive drug on the planet next to maybe cocain/crack?
Total rubbish.
Show me why chocolate is bad for you.

If you're actually worried about chocolate being bad... I suggest you improve the quality of chocolate you're eating. The average candybar from the local cornershop contains very little actual chocolate. Mostly it contains sugar and partial hydrogenated vegetable oil. Which aren't exactly great for you.

But seriously if you can show why chocolate is bad please do.

As for the OP...
lol... look at what you're drinking... is it any wonder the stuff is full of crap? I think not. People drink that stuff and then are shocked when they look at the label and realize it's chock full of all sorts of stuff. I never get that.
No idea of the validity of it, but I'm sure I've heard that claim made about nicotine too.