What is the point of "that's what she said" jokes?


New member
Mar 8, 2010
im always on the website MLIA and some of them are that's what she said jokes. what does that mean. i really don't get it. give me an awesome answer and i'll vote you number one!
basically what everyone else said.
my best example is when my friend was waiting for her dad to pick her up,
"He's not coming"
"That's what she said."
"Bad luck for her, she should get a new boyfriend."
and we continued with normal conversation.
it's supposed to be funny/make people feel awkward, but i'm immune to it.
Thats what she said is meant to come across as a dirty sexual joke,
so if someone says something normal and someone jumps in and says that what she says it then turns it into a dirty comment.
example: it was wet..... - thats what she said.
as if saying thats what happened in sex?
lol hoped that helped haha.
it just quotes to when someone says something perverted.. for example.... "stick it in your mouth" friend: that's what she said.
this could have been reffering to something like a food you've never tried before, but people make it seem perverted.