What is the funniest thing you have ever said/done to the Mormons who knock on...


New member
Sep 17, 2011
...your door? When they knock on my door, I open it, smile and say:

"Ah! Come to proselytize, I see!"

Then, when they offer me religious reading material, I decline and offer them either a copy of the Origin of Species of a (fake) copy of the Koran (I'd hate to disrespect a religion), depending on my mood.

What's the funniest, weirdest, rudest thing that you have ever done to the Mormons (or Jehovah's Witnesses for that matter) that knock on your door?
I tell them "I'll read yours if you read mine" and hand them my copy of The Satanic Bible. I keep it by the door just for this haha. It's not useful for any real religious study anyways.
i once said thanks, took their pamphlet and gave em a jahovas witness one. the mormon temple and jahovahs witness church is right across the steet from each other by my house so i get both alot.
Well, it wasn't me. But on an episode of Becker, when Mormons came to his door, they opened with the line, "Do you want to go to heaven?" To which he replied, "Will you guys be there?" They said, "Of course." To which he responded, "Then no." and slammed the door.

I promised myself that if anyone ever lead with that line, "Do you want to go to heaven?" I'd steal Becker's routine. But so far, it hasn't happened.
My door knocked really early on a Saturday morning. I think it was about seven-thirty. A very sleepy me opened it to find two Mormons on my doorstep and the words just came out without thinking 'Good mormon morons'

They didn't find it funny and never came back.

God bless:)
My friend saw some JWs coming up his street, prepared one of his sons clean nappies with some chocolate mousse and put it in a plastic bag in the bin.

He invited them in when they got to his house and after a min or two got the nappy out and took a few big licks of the chocolate mousse.

Too be fair, they didn't run. But they didn't stay long!
you ask them to come in and sit down and you will tell them all about your religion or lack there of, and than they can tell you all about theirs.
Um, i've never answered the door to them. When i was younger, my aunt used to pretend she was a dummy or a corpse in case they looked through the window. (This was Jehovah's witnesses).

And my cousins used to lie on the kitchen floor armed with knives and forks. But my family is kinda crazy.
They didn't knock on my door but they did come up to my house during a cookout and asked if they could get us anything and I said, "Yeah I'd like a soda, Coke preferably, not diet, thanks!"

They still haven't brought it to me. That's religion for ya.
I get mormons knocking on my door every week just to fuck with them I said "Baby Jesus says your satan"!
The funniest thing I've ever done is invite them in (they were flabbergasted). The worst thing I've done is opened the door, then slammed it.
I've never had Mormons at my door. I guess my neighborhood is too poor for them. Jehovah's Witness get the smile and nod while their magazines get read, discussed and thrown in the recycling bin.
I had a friend who'd greet them at the door nude, wearing only a bright orange sheet he'd leave at the door for that reason.

Personally I tend to shock them more by treating them with respect but clearly stating that I'm quite happy with my faith.
